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Starbucks and Gym Part 2

So, my latest thing is definitely getting work done at Starbucks.  I'm just not good at doing work at home, I mean, mostly... It's because my cats take turns begging for my attention.  But, also, I just do better work out and about.

Anyway... So, really, I don't have to pair Starbucks and the gym... I could just pair any kind of place that sells caffeinated beverages, with a physical activity.  Tonight, I actually went to yoga... Now I'm at Starbucks.  So, I guess the order isn't exclusively one thing and then the other.

The fun part about, let's just stick with Starbucks and Planet Fitness... Is that they are chains.  So, since they are all chains, that means there are a lot of options.  I could go to a Starbucks and then a Planet Fitness every single night of the week and go to a different one each night to keep from betting bored.

I guess these are the things that one does when they are single and still waiting to meet that special someone.  Hah.  Who knows?  Perhaps I'll bump into her at a Starbucks somewhere, or the gym... Never know... So far that has yet to happen, obviously.

Well, that's my update to my previous post.  I should just make it my goal to sit in every Starbucks on the planet... And work out in every Planet Fitness.  Hah.  Single people life goals, I guess?

Anyway... So the hour that I've been spending a night has let me catch up on much needed work which helps me to stay ahead, which is how I like things, staying organized and staying ahead.

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