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Starbucks and Gym

This week every night after work I went to Starbucks followed by the gym.  Well, home after work, make dinner, then Starbucks, then gym.  Then home.  I just work on things.  Mostly work I wasn't able to get done during the day at work.

I'm a fan of staying on top of work.  I like to have all my tasks sorted and organized and know what's coming up.  I'm not a fan of just the chaos.  I don't mind the chaos during the day as long as I can organize that evening and prepare for the next day.

Basically I sit at Starbucks, and slurp on an unsweetened iced tea (usually green tea) and then head to the gym.

I feel extra focused from it.  Or, something like that.  It just let's me stay organized and on top of things.  One of the things I hate is when I don't feel organized.  Like, when I feel overwhelmed with things.  I need to have things lined up, ducks in rows... That sort of thing.

Temporary chaos is fine, but then I need to scoop up that bucket of randomness everything has been tossed into and sort it all out.

Anyways, I just go to Starbucks and then Planet Fitness.  The good thing about this routine is... Most places in this country have a Starbucks and a Planet Fitness.

That means, it will be a good routine to keep me grounded when I move somewhere new... Which is my plan in the long run.  Not that I really have any kind of "goal" to reach.  I just think it would be fun/cool to move somewhere new just for kicks... Because why not?  Just a change of pace.  I can always move back if I don't like wherever it is I end up moving to.

Right now I'm still in the process of cleaning things out and organize the chaos of my own home.

I'm not opposed to staying here but... I'd like to SOMEDAY do that whole marriage thing and kids thing... Which doesn't seem to be happening here in Philadelphia.  So, I figure maybe in the next couple years I'll try something new.  Maybe that one that I'm meant to marry and spend the rest of my life with just doesn't live in this area.  Not sure where I'll move yet.  Might just roll the dice and see where it lands.  Setup a dart board and just pick somewhere new.

We'll see.  For now, I just keep on organize and doing things to streamline my life and get things going in the direction I want them to go in.

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