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Philly Beer Week Stuff

Somehow I managed to not do a single beer week thing.  I wanted to go to at least one event.

I leave for Maine though next Sunday... So I'm busy organizing things for that.  I have a friend cat sitting/house sitting while I'm gone and such.

I feel like I've just been busy again this week organizing and emailing and taking care of more things with both my mom's estate and our trust.  The trust is now being setup with the new trustee and I was emailing with him yesterday and finding documents that he needed to try and quicken the pace along.

It looks like in the next couple months things will finally be completed with both of those and then...

I can focus on music and writing and what not.  Eventually I plan to sell the house too and just downsize to a smaller apartment.  This will give me more capital to invest in creative things and as well give me less responsibilities.

My plan is to basically get out and do more both with music and socializing.  I feel like after the house is finally sold even and I've downsized significantly and I then have converted a lot of the physical things and all accounts have been disbursed... I don't know... It will be much more of a breath of fresh air.

I'll be able to travel freely and just have a small townhouse or condo or something that I don't have to worry as much about cutting the lawn or anything like that.

I'm going to try to make it in the mean time before all of this stuff is setup and I have all this capital to put into making music and writing books and maybe even going to acting auditions and such in NYC and other things like that... and just in general traveling.  Maybe take a cruise or two here or there.  I'm not sure yet.

It's all new to me.  I've never had the amount of money I'm about to have.  So, I don't know what I'm going to do yet.  Obviously the plan in life was to have found a significant other by now and to have just shared all this wealth with her... But that didn't happen yet.  So maybe by going out to lots of things like beer week events... and going on cruises and such...

I might then meet a girl.  It would be nice.  I just get so jealous when I see people posting on Facebook about "2 years ago today I met the love of my life"  Or whatever.  Or "Married 5 years and I can't imagine not coming home to this person."

Sigh.  Some day I'll find that.

Who knows... Maybe I'll run into her at this lock and key thing.

Anyways... For now... I'm just going to consolidate and wrap up things with my mom's estate and the trusts and move all that money into income generating investments.... Eventually sell the house and buy a little condo or townhouse or just rent.

Then I'll travel a lot more.  I'll just focus on trying to maybe play shows in different cities and go out and try to meet as many people as I can in hopes of finding that one girl that we both just end up status updating about one another and how we can't be with out each other.  That is the dream after all.  Just trying to find a little piece of that dream for myself that so many other people seem to have found and tell to the world on all their social media accounts every day.

So hopefully I find that too.  Just have to keep up hope that she's out there somewhere and we eventually cross paths.

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