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Lock and Key Pre-Blog

As I mentioned last night that I'd finally picked out an outfit for tonight along with a hair-doo and had my teeth all shammied up nice and white again, I'm now ready to take on this lock and key singles event.

Yeah, I'll admit it, I'm kind of nervous.  Why?  Actually truth be told I hate going out in the city.  I mean, I like it... But... It's always a process.  I always worry about someone breaking into my car, or some sketchy character walking behind me... I don't know... the city just kind of has always weirded me out.  But the city is where all the people are.  SO... To the city I go!

But that's not why I'm nervous... It's more that basically I'll be like... The undesirable guy in the place, while all the other guys all quickly pair off with a girl left and right, and then I'm there left talking to like 3 other guys that also didn't seem to make a connection either.  For a guy, grabbing a girl's attention is REALLY hard.  I mean... After all why should she even give YOU the time of day when she could give ANY other guy the time of day?  And ANY other guy probably makes more money than you, is taller, is nicer, is funnier, is more qualified for the job of being 'boyfriend'/'eventually husband'.  SO why should she even waste her time talking to you.

I hate that.  And when I AM talking to a girl... I'm just thinking okay... So what's she thinking right now?  Is she bored?  Is there another guy across the room she's more interested in and I'm in her way.  Is there another guy maybe elsewhere that she's thinking about?  Is she only out at this event because her friends forced her to do it instead of her sitting at home again another night being single.

You never know.  My big thing mostly is... Everywhere I go... I'm like... the short guy.  So I'm standing around with a group of people and there's these guys to my left and right talking to girls and the girls are all twirling their hair in their fingers.... and super interested.  And here I am like trying to look up over someone's shoulder even to be seen just to order a drink.  Meanwhile some guy that's 6'2" is like "What are you having buddy?  I'll order for you."

And then the girl next to him turns to him and says, "That was so nice of you to help him out!"  And then her and him start chatting.

But, I guess I just keep trying.  Just keep going out and eventually there will be that one... I mean... Maybe not.... maybe I'll just end up like in my mid 50s and still single.  Who knows.  But.... Just have to keep trying.  At least I tried.

So I'll go and just kind of see how it is.  Anyways... I think my outfit looks decent and I'm just going to try and strike up as many conversations as possible and have her end it.  I'll keep talking to someone until she looks at her watch and says... "Well look at the time!"

And that will be that.  Maybe if a girl seems kind of interested... I'll offer to buy her a drink.  I did that at the wine and jazz festival.  She was talking to me while tasting for a little while, and even kind of made a couple jokes.  And then I made a joke back.  And we both laughed.  So I offered to buy her a glass and then she was like "Well if you're offering I'm not going to turn down a drink!" and as soon as I bought her the glass of wine she was like... "Well thanks for the drink!"  And off she went in the complete opposite direction.

But hey... That's how it goes in the dating game.  You get a lot of bad leads.  You chase people that aren't 100 percent about you even if you are 100 percent about them.  But at the same time you also have to figure out how to back away from someone that might be 100 percent about you that you're not 100 percent back.  You basically get kind of trampled on a lot, and at times I guess you also unfortunately have to trample on other's hearts... until you meet that one person that makes all of those failed attempts into this one time it does work... It makes it seem sweeter than ever because all of a sudden there's someone that doesn't just walk off with a free drink.  They actually care about you.  They don't just kind of think you are interesting or funny but not interesting or funny enough to date.  Or they don't just want to be friends.  Or they don't just want to kind of hang out with you sometimes and not others.

They want you.  For you.  And they can't imagine life without you.  And you can't imagine life without them.  And then you look back at all the super crap-tastic dates, and all the nights you fell asleep drunk and alone...

And it just makes this person seem so much more rare and amazing.

So, until that happens... I just keep trudging through the horrors of dating and forcing myself to go out to things like the lock and key singles event.

Because what else is there?  So we'll see.  I'll write a full post with all the details of the night.  Even if I just end up standing in the corner all night drinking a couple beers and checking my phone a million times even though the last text I got was 5 hours previous.

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