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nine ten eleven

Today is 9/10/11.  I think we are nearly to the end of the "poker days".  Maybe Lady Gaga could make a remix to Poker Face and make it Poker Days...  At least that's what these days remind me of like in poker when someone gets a "run" or whatever it's called.  I think out of all the days my favorite was 7/08/09.  I went around telling everyone happy "seven ate nine" day!  It was cheesy... but I'm generally amused by cheesy things.

It's I don't know I mean there is supposed to be significance in these sort of days.  Like how you are supposed to make a wish at 11:11 at night.  Although I've made several 11:11 wishes and they still have yet to come true!  Booooo.  Maybe the thing about wishes and numbers and all that sort of stuff coinciding together to make random chance become reality is that it happens in a way that you don't think about.  LIke wishes come true or all that kind of stuff but just not in the way you expect them to come true.  And then maybe they come true after the person who wishes for them to come true doesn't need the wish anymore.  Or... something like that.

Ok... so... let me think of an example.  This happens to me ALLLLLLL the time at work.  So... we use all sorts of random cables to connect up things.  USB cables, network cables, power Cables, video cables... etc. etc.... well often we'll have some kind of excess of whatever cables we really don't need at the time.  But then we will run out of some cable and be like "noooooooo we had SOOOO many of these a few days ago... where did all those cables go!?!!?"  Because at the time... we'll be looking at a box of whatever type we didn't need and we'll say... "Dude... when are we EVER going to need these cables?  We never use these."  Then a month later... I'll be like I WISH I had that box!

That's a bad example.  But kind of like that.  Or maybe wishes are displaced?  So when YOU wish for something... the next person down the line gets it... and then when someone else wishes for something you are getting that wish?  Sooo see that would be freaky!  It's like we're all getting each others wants and wishes but not our own?  That's kind of interesting.  This sort of goes with the numbers in a row thing... sort of like the next effecting the next.

I think there might be something to this because, I hear all the time where someone will get something and someone else will be like... "I TOTALLY was wanting that to happen to me!  You are so lucky."  or something to that effect.  So if you think about that logic then...

Instead of wishing a wish for ourselves... which gets displaced... to someone else.  MAYBE... we all should be wishing good things for each other...


It comes back to us.  Maybe?  Perhaps?

Soooo lets all wish something good for someone else tonight at 11:11pm.  Or whenever... since it's 9/10/11... it seems like one of those things to do... "It's 9/10/11 make a wish!"  Or... "Star bright star light first star I see tonight! Make a wish!"

I'm going to try that.  I'll let everyone know how it goes.  Start wishing good things for people around me!

I'll start with this... I hope everyone has a spectacularly awesome evening on this fine Saturday night of 9/10/11!

*Note: this post doesn't work if you are australian or british... they swap the month and day so it would be 10/09/11 and in which case we'd have to wait till October for this to make sense.

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