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Mmmmmm Apples

So I’ll admit it I like apple products.  I don’t know what it is, but they just give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside.  I like things that give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside…

Things that give me warm fuzzy feelings:

Playing my guitar

Writing songs

Playing songs for people

Coffee shops

Coffee and tea

Movies with friends

Good food

Drinks with friends

Sleeping in


Kisses (the Hershey kind)

And of course I dislike things that don’t give me the warm fuzzy feelings:

Having to wake up before 12 noon

Working in a basement (they need to move our office up a few floors!)

Horn honkers… just have some patience yo!

Ok that’s all I can think of at the moment.  Apparently more things give me fuzzy feelings than not.  Maybe I’m a glass half full kinda guy?  Perhaps.

So ok, I know some people love apple products and some people hate them (why be hatin’?).  I’m not FANATICAL about them.  But like I said… warm fuzziness all over this body when I am using my macbook and eye phone. So, yes, I have two of their products (the macbook pro and iphone) and as long as I’ve had both of them (about 2 years now) I’ve, I was going to say very few problems, but I’ve actually experienced had no problems!  So knock on wood that I continue to not have any problems.

I also own a Dell Mini, which I like a lot too.  On the mini I mainly run Ubuntu Linux.  I rather like that OS a lot.  And then on my work PC it’s windows 7.  So I try to do it all!

I’m like the united nations of computer Operating systems users.  Sorta?  Hmm, that sounded wittier in my head.

Well anywho the idea is that to try and stay exposed to as much as I can.  I like to learn and constantly try to stay on top of what’s new and hot and cool and what all the kids are using these days.  All these peeps using all these HOT and COOL products.  I guess hot and cool are the same thing?  So something that’s NOT cool or hot would be what?  Extra hot?  Extra cool?  Luke warm?

That joke was just luke warm (aaaaaaaand I just insulted myself).

So what IS hot on this fine Wednesday in March?   Today was the official unveiling of the iPad 2!  Or as my Aussie friend in Maine called it… the iPad Squared. (There’s your shout out… it’s not the Grammy’s but just admit it.. my blog is ALMOST as HOT and COOL as the Grammy’s… if I’m ever on the Grammy’s I still promise to give you a shout out)

#myblogislukewarm (can you use hashtags in a blog?  I just did. Deal wit it.)

Now, I don’t actually own an iPad.  I own an iPhone and so I figured maybe it was slightly redundant to own a giant iPhone (or a GiPhone)?  I mean, that’s KINDA what it is!  Alright I’ll admit, I have played around with them and I think they are pretty neat devices.  You can check out the new iPads by heading to apple’s website.  It’s right on the front page, at least at the moment.

So I just don’t have a current need for one, and thus I won’t be purchasing an iPad 2 (iSquared).  What I do have a need for is one of the new MacBook Pro’s from that lineup recently released.

They refreshed the new MacBook pro’s a short while back and OH MY do look to be absolutely scrumptious (that is, if I were to be eating one for breakfast, or as a snack, which I’m not… in case you were wondering about that, I just wanted to use the word scrumptious to describe something).    Actually they look exactly the same as the previous ones.

Well so, every year I replace mine with the newest one and ebay the old one.  That way I can still get the latest and greatest but only pay a small amount of mula every year in net costs after selling the old one.  This keeps it so it doesn’t actually cost a lot of money for me to own the latest and greatest.  I figure I spend so much time in front of the my computer doing so many things like regular work, or working on music, or creative writing, or trying to start these funny cartoon animation things (coming soon).  It’s kind of a way to keep the creative juices flowing knowing I’ll have the new and nifty features on the device I use the most.

So long story short I was super excited for the MacBook pro’s to be refreshed.  For the most part they just tweaked them… not tweaked like when you’ve had too much coffee but more like they just changed a thing here and a thing there.  The “thing” that they changed that I’m looking forward to using the most is the new data transfer port called thunderbolt.

Thunderbolt will transfer data at speeds of something insanely blazingly super-duper fantastically FAST like 10 gigabits per second.

That makes the current USB 2.0 transfer rate of 480 megabits per second or 0.46 Gbps look like poop.

I don’t currently see any drives available for purchase… But I’m assuming they will be on the market momentarily.  (Hold please… inserts Michael Bolton’s greatest hits music during waiting period)

If you’re impatient honk your horn now.  #honkhonk

So for those of you who work with massive amounts of data, especially media, this will be AWESOME.  I work with loads of raw music files when recording and they takes ups lots of space!  Archiving those to external drives is a pain in my toosh.  If you work with lots of large media files of any sort including: photos, videos, database files, etc.  Then maybe this might be something that interests you too.

OK so lets say you aren’t a mac person?

Well don’t fret!  Intel developed the technology and it looks as though it will be on both Apple products and PC products alike.


Here’s some links to check out:

and here’s a thundercat… I mean thunderbolt hard drive:

So I plan to purchase one of the refreshed MacBook pro’s and I’m looking forward to saying goodbye to those old slow USB drives and hello to the superfast thunderbolt transfer speeds.  Although, there’s always the chance it won’t get off the ground…

I mean remember Betamax?  We still have a video of my brother as a baby, naked, being pulled from the sea in some King Arthur re-enactment movie that aired on like PBS in the early 80’s… Fortunately for him it’s in Betamax.  Youtube will have to do without for the time being until we can locate a Betamax player.

until tomorrow...   Enjoy this clip...

If an apple a day keeps the doctor's away then maybe a banana a day keeps the monkeys at bay?

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