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Who Else Is Here?

So I had this idea for an app.  It's called Who Else Is here?

You check in with your phone when you get to an event, or a venue.  It does it by GPS.  SO even if you TRY to check into an event, if you aren't within like so many feet of the venue, or festival, it won't even let you check in.

When you leave, it will automatically check you out.

While you're there, you can chat with and message other people at the event.  Even people you don't know.  You upload a photo... and make a little profile.

SO then the idea is... Okay in person if I see a cute girl, I make my way over to her.  I talk to her.  It could be a good 15 or 20 minutes to a half hour before she brings up her boyfriend or significant other.  If she's married you just look for the ring.

But if she's not married... You waste time talking to someone that isn't single... When you COULD be talking to someone that is.

Or, let's say you are only there to make friends and you just don't want someone coming up to you.  You can set your status as... just here for friends.

SO you check in and pick a status:

Here and single, and ready to mingle.

Here and in a relationship.

Here and married.

Here and queer, because why not!?

Here and just looking for friends, so don't hit on me, or waste your breath.

Then everyone can message everyone else that has checked in.  But they can already be aware of their intentions.  All the single mingle people can find one another.  All the not so single people can also find one another.

Here and preggers.

All the pregnant girls can find each other and bond over baby babble.

Here and not from around here. 

Maybe all the people not from around here want to bond.

You choose what it is you're here for.  You're here and you're... What?  Then find other people that match your status.

Maybe it's a concert.  Maybe it's a festival.  Maybe it's just a karaoke bar.

Then you can also see what other people have also been at the same events and places you have in the past.  It will show you event history.  It won't show you if you were at the same place but at different times.  It will only show you if you both checked in to the same place and time previously but didn't chat.

Once you leave the event, unless you mutually connected with each other during the event.  You can't contact them again.

So you can only make contact AT the event.  IF you both star one another and save the friendship... Or whatever... You can then keep chatting.

There's also a general chat room where anyone can broadcast any message to EVERYONE at the event.

Let's say there's an emergency and something happens on the east end of the concert ground.  Then you can broadcast message everyone and say... EVERYONE, MAKE A PATH TO THE EAST GROUNDS FOR AN AMBULANCE TO COME THROUGH!!!  SOMEONE FELL AND BROKE THEIR LEG!

Then everyone knows.

Maybe that will be restricted to event admins or something.  So that people can't send bogus messages.  But maybe there's just like a general chat room where anyone can say anything they want.

Basically it's real time chat rooms at events and concerts and venues and bars and restaurants.

You check in and then start chatting!

Here and ready to drink beer!

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