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0 Dollars

So, more reasons why God definitely hates me and wants me to suffer in this life... In addition to the whole not sending someone that I'm compatible with on  dating level...

Here's a breakdown of the amount of money I've received so far from various things...

My mom's estate: Still 0 dollars received.  Still waiting. Signed lots of paperwork.

Trust: 0 dollars received.  Signed lots of paperwork though.

Camp: 0 dollars received.  I went all the way to Maine and worked my butt off for 2 weeks... And I'm STILL doing accounts for them.  They have yet to send me a dime of payment.

Where am I getting money from?  My regular full time job.  My stock dividends keep rolling in.

So far I've had to pay out the wazoo for these cats.  And I have a 5 grand tax payment due.  This was all supposed to come out of my mom's estate.  Even my mom's funeral... I paid that and still have yet to be reimbursed for that.

And then my dad's side of the family is all like "Ohhhhh drive up to upstate NY and come to our reunion and book a hotel and what not."

Hey I don't know about you guys?  But I have other things I have to spend my money on.  I have other costs that I have to pay.

Or other friends will be like ... Come to this 50 dollar concert with us!

Yeah okay.  Obviously you all don't know what a tax bill is and you don't know what funeral expenses are and you don't know what it costs to care for 4 cats, or put one of them down, which by the way cost me 1200 bucks alone and now there are 3 so that's less money going into food and litter and vet bills but still.

I mean it would be NICE to receive the money I'm SUPPOSED to be getting from my mom's estate or the trust... Or even the work I did in Maine for the camp.  But nope.  Still haven't received a dime.

I do get money from my music streams and I get money from my stocks.  Just got a dividend from Cracker Barrel.  So it looks like things that I'm setting up myself are producing income at least.

It's a good thing I was smart enough to build up a savings over the years knowing life would be like this.  I have other friends that spend every penny of paycheck they get traveling to Europe an what not and going on cruises.  Good luck when your parent or parents die and you have to cover their stuff.  That's all I gotta say.  You'll regret spending all that money on cruises and travel destinations and wish you had saved more.

I think as far as camp goes I'll let it ride and maybe ask next month.  If I still haven't received payment basically by next year.  I'll just tell him that I'm not going to come up again next summer.  It's a bit of a slap in the face to do work for someone and not get paid for it.

Of course each time I go on a date I pay for both of us as well.  That's why I like to stick to first dates of just getting coffee.  Like yesterday I only wasted 6 bucks on some girl I'll never see again on this planet.

But the week before I spent a good 50 because she, at the last minute, was like... Let's go get drinks instead!

And I'm just like okay fine.  So we got drinks and appetizers.

So I wasted 50 bucks on a girl I'll never see again.

That's how it goes in the dating world for a guy.  You toss away a lot of money on first dates.  It's a little unfair because a girl could basically just use a dating site to get all the free food and drinks she wants.

Oh well, that's life.  And that's why God hates me.

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