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Freaky Friday, or Freaky Wednesday?

Okay, so... I'm driving home from tonight's play, which was AWESOME by the way.  It's my next-door neighbor's play, well, he wrote it.  And this super cool dude named Dice Raw did the music for it.  I hung out with Dice and friends and Phil tonight and... They're awesome.

Anyways... SO I'm driving home from the play.

And I had this very strange thought out of nowhere.  I thought... Okay.  So, I think about Kara ALL the time.  But we don't talk.  And I WISH we did talk.  But we don't.  Oh well... It's fine.  I'm okay with it.  Really I'm COMPLETELY okay with it.  It's just how things turned out.

BUT...  I had this thought...  What if there were a way we could talk.  And then I'm thinking of ways, or reasons, why we would talk.

This one reason pops into my mind...

Freaky Friday.  If you've never seen the movie Freaky Friday, what happens is, there are basically two people that switch bodies.  In the movie it's a mom and a daughter.

I KNOW... I KNOW!  I THINK OF THE STRANGEST THINGS.  So, I'm all like... What if Kara and I woke up tomorrow in each other's bodies... SO basically, bodies switched.  She's in mine and I'm in hers.

WHAT THE?!?!?!?!?  We'd HAVE no choice but to call each other.  I mean I'm just imagining that scenario.  Here I wake up, alarm going off...

"Oh man... time for work... wait a minute.  That's not my alarm."

I open my eyes...


I start to realize something is SERIOUSLY not right with this situation.  I'm DEFINITELY not in my own bed.  I'm definitely  not... oh HELL NO.  I'm not my own ANYTHING.

Meanwhile, while I'm down in the greater Miami area waking up in another body, she's up in the greater Philadelphia area also waking up in another area.

"Oh for fucks sake."  She utters.

Okay.  How the heck do we fix this cluster fuck, she thinks.

So here we are switched.  She's in my body.  I'm in hers.  Great.  Just great.

Now we have to figure out a way to switch things back.

You bet your bottom the first thing I'm going to do is call my own cell phone from her cell phone.

I dial my number and wait for... "Me" to pick up.



"What the HELL!"

"I don't know!"



After the initial shock wears off...

"Okay well, we're going to have to figure this out after work."  I say to her.


"Just, act cool."

"ACT COOL!?!?!"  She says. "ACT COOL!?!?!?!!  HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ACT COOL!?!??! I'M YOU!"

I explain to her how I made a wish out of curiosity for this to happen because I didn't believe that wishes or prayers to God were actually answered.

Then she says... "What the fuck Kenny???  Of course God answers prayers!"

"Sorry!  I didn't know!  I missed you and it was the only thing I could think of to get us to call each other."

"So you wished for us to switch bodies???!!??! WHAT THE HECK.  That's some crazy shit!"

So there we are on the phone with one another standing in front of mirrors looking at each other.

"Let me get this straight.  You want me to go to work, as you, and go to work, and pretend to be you for for the day, and then we'll figure this out later on tonight?"

I shrug.  "Yeah?  Something like that."

"Oaf."  She responds.  "You better have a fix for this by then."

"Don't worry.  I'll figure something out."  I assure Kara.  I'm set on trying to reverse this because who knew that body switching was legit a real thing?

Meanwhile my only solution that I actually come up with is to watch the movie Freaky Friday on Netflix and figure out what they did to reverse the body swap situation.  So after work... Which I'm not exactly sure how one earth me make it through 8 hours of doing one another's jobs.  But for the sake of this blog post, some how we make it through.

So I'm sitting in her apartment watching Freaky Friday on Netflix.

Then she tells me that usually after work she does laundry, organizes every square inch and cleans her whole apartment with a toothbrush.

Which, I'm suspect of, but I proceed to start that process.  After cleaning her whole apartment spic and span floor to ceiling and organizing all of her shoes and ironing all of her dresses...

"Wait a minute.  Kara.  Seriously, why do I get the feeling that you don't do this every night after work?"

"Honestly!  I swear.  Every night after work this is my routine."  Kara responds over the phone.


"Yep.  On my honor.  I do all of this.  I also do the following..."

She proceeds to tell me over the phone a whole list apartment project 'To-Do list' items that she apparently takes care of on a nightly basis.

"Okay, so finish all those Kenny and call me, or you, back when you, err I mean, I, get those done."

Meanwhile she proceeds to lounge around my own house here in PA and sits for a couple hours on the phone with her sister Laurel, and her mom, Robin, and a few of her other friends... Telling them how she's got me cleaning her own apartment top to bottom.

And of course her mom and sister and other friends find it a little strange at first that they are actually talking to me.  But after about 15 minutes on the phone they get used to it.

So, good for her that body switching isn't a real thing!  Good for me that I don't have to clean her apartment floor to ceiling.  Although, I probably wouldn't hesitate to do that for her bodies switched or not.


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