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God Hates Me

So, I've definitely just decided, that given all that has happened in my life... With my family and the trust, and losing my mom, and crossing paths with Kara (but never being able to get her)... Basically God has it out for me to torture me.

That's what I've decided.  There's really NO other explanation that I can come up with as to why I've had to endure all these crappy things in my lifetime.  God just hates me.  Like, that is IF there even IS a God.

It's that whatever being is up there looking down... We're just daytime television for them.  So they think it's fun to make our lives horrible.  To watch us suffer.  It's entertainment for whoever created the world and put all these people on this planet.

I've just decided that is the ONLY explanation as to why all this crappy stuff would happen.  It has to be true.  The idea that some "loving" God would create all the situations that I've been through?  Thanks.  But no thanks.  If I met this "loving" God, I'd basically probably just be like what is wrong with you?  That would be my only question that I would have.

What is wrong with you?

Seriously... I mean, because, it's just cruel and unusual and completely mean to decide to put someone through all this.  So that's what I've decided.

I've also decided that while the going to church thing was an interesting experiment.  Ultimately... I find more value in sleeping in.

So, I'm just done with that.  The only way I'll get back in a church again, ever, is if I one day finally ended up with Kara and she got me to go again.

And I'm so sure that won't ever happen that, I'd be willing to bet ten grand that won't ever happen.  I mean heck, I'd be willing to bet 100 grand that won't ever happen.  Because if she ever had any intention of talking to me again... She would have already talked to me by now.  So, I just consider her long gone and I'll never see or hear from her again in this lifetime.

I wonder who else will come into my life next.  Who's going to be my next plot storyline for this daytime television life.

But anyways... I've seriously decided that we're daytime television for some kind of cruel being that decided to create us purely for entertainment purposes.  I'm pretty sure that's what's actually going on and what the point of existence is.

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