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Stay In Harmony

So, I went to a church in Media this morning.  It was a more traditional church.  No glitz and glam lights and magic rock band on stage.  Just people singing out of hymn books.  Piano accompaniment. A small church.  An old building.  I had a couple of people approach me.  One guy was a married dude, about my age.  Has kids... His wife and himself have gone there a long while.

Another guy was an older dude.  We talked the most.  When he introduced himself I thought he said "Stay in harmony".  I said... "Okay.  Sure.  Yes."

He said... "No no... Stay in harmony."

"I told him it sounded like good advice."

Then he cleared up the confusion that his name was Stan.


We sat together for the service.

The service was about the 4th of July and comparing the declaration of independence to sections Matthew 5.  It was interesting.

I'm thinking for next week instead of just rolling up randomly to a different place, I'm going to ask one of my friends which church they go to and just inquire about going with them, that way I won't have to explain what brought me to church today...

"It's a long story." I say, "See, it all starts with a girl I met on a dating site..."

Instead I can just be like... "I'm with this person."

Maybe I'll alternate going with people I know... and just going to new random ones.

It's fascinating though how many different churches there are.  I don't know, I just find it interesting.

This one was super family based.  All these little kids running about.

But Stan was friendly.  We chatted for a little while after.

From there I went to 7 stones to write.  I worked on a scene.  Wrote about a page and sipped on an iced coffee.

After that I walked around downtown Media  There was some kind of car show happening.  It was pretty neat.  I'm not big on cars.  But some of them looked cool.  I liked the ones from the 30s.

It was just nice to walk around in the sun and enjoy the day.

Now I'm eating some mac and cheese at Panera Bread.  About to leave here and head home.  Got a small list of items that I have to do...

I'd list everything out but it's just boring chores type of things.  You know... Sunday things.  I'll probably respond to the couple of responses I have waiting for me on the dating site thing...

Just got a message from someone on Bumble telling me about their lackluster date that they went on today.  I feel like that's a good term.  That's a new one to describe dating...

Lackluster.  My love life is lackluster.

All these people my age in that church today with kids running around... And I'm just like wondering how they got something to click.  How did they meet?  I need to figure out where to go to have that happen for me.

I guess there's always the possibility that there just isn't someone out there for me.  Who knows.  The one guy today was 35...  I'll probably still be single in 2 years.

Still having lackluster luck.

Oh well... I guess until I meet that one that we end up getting married... Just have to keep going on dates... Just have to keep busy.  Just keep chugging along in life.

Somewhere out there is a girl... Some date out in the future is a date that we first cross paths.  That we say our first hello.  That we then get to know one another.... That we just start to really fall for each other.  That we eventually end up in a relationship, in love.  That some day... We make it all the way.

Love.  It's soo elusive.  For now I just have my lackluster love life.  And my Panera Bread mac and cheese.

"And do you take this Panera Bread mac and cheese... To have and to hold... Forever..."

"I do."

Well, until the next post... remember... Stay in harmony.

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