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Tired Of The Dating Games

I don't understand why people have to play games when it comes to dating.  I don't get why they can't just be up front and honest.  Just tell the other person exactly what's on their mind.  It's super frustrating.

I mean... First off... If we start messaging... Don't take 6 weeks to reply.  I'll get messages where the girl stopped responding 6 weeks previous.  Then she'll try to pretend like nothing happened.

I mean... Just tell me what happened?  How hard is that.  Also don't just stop responding.  Just send a message with feedback stating why you are no longer interested.  It's just so rude to just drop off the face of the planet like that.

And then once we do start going on dates... She'll be so like... She's hiding stuff.  Don't hide stuff.  Just be like... Here's the deal.  And I'll be like okay.  What can I do to move this along or keep you interested or help things so that we can get to the point where we're actually in a relationship?

This brings me to the next point.  Most of the dating site girls don't want relationships.  They just want "fun".  Which means they want sex.  Or to just have free drinks and dinners bought for them.  They have no intention of ever committing to a relationship.  They don't seem to ever want marriage or kids or to share a life together.

I look at people that are in relationships, or married and I'm just like how?  Every girl I meet on the site is just a game player.  They just want to tease the guys.  They don't actually want ANY kind of real level of commitment.

I just need to give up and basically accept that I'll be single forever.  It's just too hard.  People tell me, oh I met my so and so on this site.  I try those sites... And every message stream eventually they just disappear.  Or they are so wishy washy.  None of them are at all interested in any kind of relationship.  They just seem to be on the site for entertainment...

Not to date.

It's so frustrating.

I don't know anymore.  I don't get why I even bother trying to date.  I wish there were a dating site for serious inquires only and not... "I'm just here for a good time, but I never actually want to be in a committed monogamous relationship of any sort".

I'm just jealous of anyone that IS in any kind of relationship or marriage.  I don't understand how you got that person to actually remain interested.  I don't get how you ACTUALLY kept them responding to your messages or texts without falling off the face of the planet.  Or how you actually kept them in a relationship without them being all wishy washy about if they actually liked you and breaking up with you and then being like... Wait... MAYBE I'm interested.... Wait no I'm not.  Wait... Maybe I am.

I seriously just hate dating and the games that the girls on dating sites and in general play.  It's like... It's just impossible to keep any of them interested.  Like they want some PERFECT guy that doesn't exist.

And I try REALLY hard... And they don't.  They don't care at all.  They just act super disinterested.  It's just impossible.  At 33 dating is just impossible.  No one takes it seriously.  No one cares.  All they do is play games.

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