BennyEast.Com/Blog The official blog of Kenny West


Do You Ever Wonder What It Would Be Like To… be inside someone else's head?  I mean like legit, read someone's mind?  Like just see their thoughts as they think them?

Let me back up.

I feel like the thing that I hate the most... Is unknowns.  You know?  Maybe you don't know.  Okay... Let me explain...

Things out there in the world, are happening RIGHT NOW.  But you don't KNOW they are happening.  Because you can't get like... Updates about them.  But you know they are happening RIGHT NOW.

You just don't know the status of it. But after some time, you get an update through some sort of way.

Mail package delivery used to be like this... But then there was tracking.

I wish there were tracking for everything.  So you could just log in and know.  You could see where things were at.  With ANYTHING.  In the whole world.

Like, you could see tracking log file status updates down to every minor detail.  Like... he just took a sip of coffee.  He just typed an email.  He just got off the phone.  He just got up from his desk.  He just sat back down at his desk.

The play by play if you will.

There's that whole not knowing thing that's like... Okay... SO where and when is this going to happen?

Let's say I call for a pizza.  I want updates every minute...

Pizza being prepped.  Pizza in oven.  Pizza in box.  Pizza in car for delivery.

That would rock!  I'd be able to know exactly what stage my pizza was in.

I feel like what else would rock?  Would be to know people's thoughts.  That would rock.  For example... Right now if you want to know where someone is or what they are doing or just what they are thinking or feeling... You go on their Facebook or Twitter or Tumblr... Or this blog.  You can basically see what's happening in their life.  You can see who they are falling in and out of love with.  You can see what jobs they are working on Linked In.

But it's lacking.

It's lacking all the in between details and thoughts.  All of those unknowns that are kept inside everyone's heads.

So, everyone on the planet has thoughts happening all the time right?  We're all thinking and feeling things.  We're all breathing in and out.  We've all got people on our minds, family, friends, lovers.  We've all got work on our minds.  We've all got the weather on our minds... OR whatever.

But the only thing each of us get out of ALL of that stuff... is one little line of text.  Or some little photo.  Or whatever.  It's a tiny little fraction of the whole story.

Here's an example...

I used to read my exes Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr and all that stuff religiously.  For a short time when we first met she had a blog.  I was glued to that stuff.  Lil Miss Wisecracker.  That was one of the things that caught me and made her stand out to me and really piqued my interest.  Then I just fell in love with basically EVERYTHING about her.  Although to be fair she would read my stuff too.  So it's not as like... "stalker ish" as it sounds.  It was a mutual reading of one another's stuff.  It was complicated.  She broke up with me and then read all my stuff... She always said it was because she wanted to keep tabs on me to make sure I was moving on.  Which I basically never did because... that's what happens when you're the one getting broken up with.  It's easy for someone to break up with someone and move on because... They are the one breaking up.

If you love someone and are crazy about them... You don't break up with them.  That's dating 101.  I'd still date her again in a heartbeat... But she's the one that didn't want me.  I could be married with a family... And she could knock on the door and I'd divorce my significant other in a heartbeat.  That's just how it is for some people.  But everyone on this planet has that one person they would ALWAYS take back.  I guess lucky for my future wife... I don't have high hopes of that scenario playing out.  So... My future wife doesn't have to worry about that ex coming to the front door and stealing me away.

Anyways... I would basically refresh all her crap like 10 times an hour.  It was ridiculous.  I was like... I NEED MORE!  I need to KNOW.  I couldn't get enough.  I haven't read it in some time because... seeing someone you basically love and are crazy about with  some other guy (even though she broke up with you years ago) just makes you want to puke your brains out and then makes you want to go cry yourself to sleep.

So I stopped.  It made me physically ill to see that she was all like... Oh look, here's my boyfriend.  Blah. Ew!  Gross.

Oh well... What can you do.  That's life.  But what I WISH I had at the time when I was reading her stuff and wondering what she was up to...

Was a way to basically see a log file of her thoughts.  Like to see exactly what she was thinking or feeling in real time.  That would have been amazing.  Seriously... I would have just sat and read that ALL day.  I'd just have it on constant refresh.

I'd be like... Oh look another.  And another.  And another.  I want ALL of the thought updates from her!

Instead I settled for one tweet... The entire weekend.  And I'd read that ONE Tweet over and over again like 50 times and wonder what it meant.

I mean, I still wonder what she's up to.  But now that there's some other boy in the picture (literally, her Instagram had him in a photo with her... at least the last time I checked it did... Who knows they could have broken up... I feel like they probably didn't though.  I don't know... I mean, I'd LIKE to know... Only if they broke up... If they didn't break up... I don't want to know, you know how that is... You secretly wish for them to break up.... But you know the reality is what it is... oh well) I don't want to know what she's up to.

Even though I kind of do.  It's one of those situations.  Still on my mind, I wonder what she's up to these days... AND here's another twist in my stomach... Oh that's right... She has a boyfriend... and a little bit of vomit just came up in my mouth.  Nice.  Try to stop thinking about her again.

Well anyways... When you think about someone.... You want to know what's going on in their head.  You want to see a line of status updates like every 10 seconds or every minute.

So then you could basically be connected to their thoughts all the time and follow their thoughts.  They don't necessarily have to know that you're watching their thoughts, just like someone can watch a someone's Facebook or Twitter and they don't know you see the updates.  That would be amazing.  I'd sit and read it all day.  You just get constant updates from the person you are thinking about...

You'd just see....

I wish work was over so I could go home and nap before going out on the town.
I need to stand up and stretch.
Stretching feels great.
Need coffee.
Mmm this coffee is good.
Oh no, I need to write an email to so and so.
Wait, I already wrote that email... Okay awesome.
Oh, SNAP, I have a text!
Hey it's mah Seeestar... What's up sis? We still on for tonight?
She's sick and has to cancel.
Oaf. Crap. Now what am I going to do with my night?
Netflix and pizza... Don't mind if I do.
I wonder if the new season of that one show is up yet?
Oh no boss is at the door!
Hi boss. I was just working...
Oh wait, boss just wants to know if the new season of that one show is up on Netflix yet.
I love my boss. See, this is why I love my boss! She's the best.
Oh my GOSH. The one B liked my status. Ewww... Who said you could like that status? Don't frackin like that status. Oh my GOSH.... She just commented on my one photo. Seriously. Stop. This needs to stop. She needs to stop this ISH like now.
Mmmm coffee. This coffee REALLY is good. I should make sure to buy more of this.
Shoot! Boss email just came in: Hey employee, want to grab drinks after work? Do you have any plans? I wanted to discuss a personal issue with you that I was wondering your thoughts about...
Drinks after work it is...
Oh wait... I was going to nap and Netflix and pizza!
Hey boss, want to grab one drink after work? I'm feeling a little under the weather.
I just lied to my boss.
Well, it's not REALLY a lie... Sis is sick... and we hung out the other night, theoretically I could have caught what she had and already be infected but just not KNOW I'm sick.
Boss replied.... Food truck festival happening around the corner. Go to that then drinks? She wants to know. Hmmmm... Sigh... Okay.
Send back email. Sounds great!
Wow, my nails look REALLY great today.
Instagram nails.
I really take AWESOME Instagrams.
Hashtag WHAT WHAT!
Oh NO she didn't... That B just liked my IG photo. WHO SAID YOU COULD LIKE MY PHOTO!
I should block her.
I don't block her.
I just don't have it in me.
I'm a good person.
I need to get back to work, I still have this one thing to work on before I gots get food truck and drinks with boss.
Oh shoot, I don't know this one item, I'm going to have to call my boss.
Boss calling.
OH SNAP! Wow, it's like we read each other's minds!
Hey boss? I actually need to ask you about this one thing...
Stop doing work and leave early and just go now to get food truck? You have to pick up something from the store for a thing tomorrow so you can't stay out late? Yes that sounds great!
I love my little life. My life is so awesome.
Catch glimpse of hair in window reflection.
SHAAAAWEEEET... My hair looks awesome today in addition to my nails! Daaaaaayum. Look at me. You go girl. Your fashion game is ON POINT today.
Instagram hair selfie.
Grab handbag.
This was a really good buy. I love this handbag. My fashion game is on point.
Turn off office light...
Guuuuurl out.

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