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Lava Ass

SO this morning I'm trying a new coffee out. I like it. It's dark, and intense.... I like it a lot actually.  I'm all about dark and intense things.  A girl once told me she was dark and twisty before I dated her as we were sitting there on her couch talking about things before we decided to make the dating all official and what not, she was referring to her mind (I wasn't trying to date an over cooked pretzel, that would also be dark and twisty, I guess)... Well I dated her anyways.  That dark and twisty mind that I couldn't get enough of all the time.  She wasn't THAT dark or twisty.  I think she just said it to be funny.  Or she was referring to her sense of humor.  I'm fairly certain she was referring to her sense of humor now that I look back on it.

Anyways apparently this brand is, like, the official coffee of Italy or something to that effect. I've never had it before.  I've never been to Italy either.  So I wouldn't know.  For all I know no one in Italy even likes this brand of coffee.  They are just like "You Americans drinking your stupid wanna be Italian coffee!  You fools!  THIS IS NOT REAL ITALIAN COFFEE.  THIS IS A MOCKERY!".  For all I know that's what the Italians might say about this brand.  Until I learn otherwise I'll just believe the label.  Maybe one of these days I'll have to visit Italy.  Perhaps I'll mix and mingle with some local Italians of the single kind and have a fine time.  Excussie!  CHOW!  Or ciao.  Or however it's spelled.  I love the over exaggerated hand motions that Italians make too.  They're my kind of people.

I'll ask them if this is actually popular in Italy or if it's totally bogus and just a marketing gimmick to sell more of it in America.  I'll keep everyone posted on my findings.

I bought this coffee the other day to add to my coffee rotation.  I generally keep 3 or 4 bags and each morning I move the front to the back after I make my morning coffee to take to work.  I scoop out a couple scoops from the front bag and rotate up to a new coffee.  Once one runs out, I buy another one and it goes into the rotation.  I guess I have coffee ADD and get bored drinking the same one every morning over and over again.

When I first picked up the bag, I read it as... Lava Ass. And I was like... "Yeah, sure, I'll try some Lava Ass coffee."


(If you click on that hashtag you'll see my Facebook post.  Kind of neat.  I'm the only one using that hashtag on ALL of Facebook.  #Firsties #IJustMadeUpFirstiesAsAHastag #ProbablyTheFirstToUseFirstiesAsWell)

This is my kind of coffee for sure.  I love the intensity of it.  It may not be everyone's cup of tea, or coffee, because it's not tea, it's coffee!  But, I say give it a shot if you're feeling risky or adventurous with your taste buds.

Well anyways here's the coffee....


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