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So, it's finally March.  This means winter's wrath is winding down.  The cold air will slowly be replaced by warmth.  And then eventually a little too much warmth.  And then it will be sweltering.  Blah.  But then things will cool off again and then get too cold and we'll be back where we started again.  Just like running in a giant circle loop.  It's a bit like how most friendships seem to go.

Hey I like hanging out with you!  I want more of you...

Wooo lots more...

Ok too much.

Alright now I need my space.


Hey?  Where'd you go?

Wanna hang out more?  I miss you.

Heeeeeeey!  We should hang out ALLLL the time.

Ok... you're annoying now go away.

Space.  Now.

Hey?  What's new?  Haven't spoken in a while.


Space please.


Ok.  Go away now.

Oh my god... I feel like we haven't spoken in FOREVER.  What's good?

Why don't we talk more often?  I feel like we should talk more.

Let's talk all the time!  This is sooo much fun.

Oh yeah.  That's why we don't talk all the time.

S to the P to the A to the C to the E please.

HEY!  Give me space... Give me space so I can breathe... Give me space so I can sleep.


We used to be so close.  Remember those days?

Where was I?  Oh yeah warm out... so I enjoy this time of year.  I like when it starts to thaw out and the warm air starts to come in.  It's just about time to start running outside again.  I give it another week or two and then things should be getting close to where I can resume my Valley Forge Park loop.

What I normally do is I start at one point on the loop and park in one of the parking lots.  Then I run as far as I feel like.  Then I turn around and run back.  If I still have energy to burn or I'm feeling all kinds of in the moment... I'll run past my car and keep going the other way.  Then I run back to my car.  This way I'm never SUPER far away from my car.

The next time I go I'll drive to the next parking lot spot and start there.  Then the next time I go to the next spot over and repeat until I've completed the loop.  The view is always stunning no matter what.  Valley Forge is definitely one of my favorite little spots.  I enjoy putting on a nice podcast or iTunes U course... Or maybe a presentation from and just getting my learn on while I run.  It's the best.

And speaking of space... The view of the stars there in the summer when the sun is starting to set?  It's just fantastic.  There's only a small amount of light pollution.  So watching the moon and stars come out at dusk?  It's just the greatest.

My favorite little spot is the little monument just down the hill from the Washington Memorial Chapel.  Just hang out there as the sun is setting during the summer.  It's so magical.  I just love it.  Trust me... If you've never done it... You should.  Especially when the fireflies are in full swing.  It's like being one with nature and the planet and the universe and what not.

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