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Old Rug

So I just was out in the garage trying to find a rug that I had in my apartment, I want to put the rug in my music/creative room.

In the garage is a lot of stuff.  Some is stuff from my grandparents', some is my mom's stuff, some is my great grandmom's stuff, some is a friend of my mom's.  I mean... It's just stuff.  Nothing really super crazy valuable.  Just... Mostly things that were just kept because...

There's items that my mom and her friend were going to have a yard sale to get rid of... They were my mom's friends dad's stuff.

What do most of these people have in common?  They've all passed away.  It's just stuff still there.

Even this rug was originally from my grandparents' house in Califronia.

I feel like... just sad really.  I mean... It has be thinking about this one line in Fight Club... "Given a long enough timeline the survival rate for anyone drops to zero."

It's true.  Everyone you know, including yourself will be gone eventually just leaving behind stuff.  Houses, bank accounts... Things... Photos.  Stuff.

If we did a "where are they now special" on people 150 years from now... I can tell you where they would all be.

All of that corporate ladder climbing... Where are they now at the 150 year high school/college reunion?

You guessed it.  All those accomplishments and all that hard work you put in day after day... Where did it get you 150 years from now?

Sorry to be kind of depressing.  But I mean... I don't know, I live in a house filled with stuff that is now mine... That used to belong to others.

I have bank accounts that are now mine that used to belong to others.

And one day... All this stuff... Will belong to someone else... At least temporarily.  Until the next person in line is handed the hot potato for a hot minute in the grand scheme of all time and universe...

This thought was mostly sparked by a broken piece of glass in the garage that I was sweeping up.  I don't know how it broke.  It was in there broken.  I feel like that's a lot of how life is... Just sweeping up the broken pieces of things that we don't even know how they broke in the first place.  When all we wanted was a rug.

I guess it is a strange thought.  We put all this time and effort into getting to the top... But the top of what?  Eventually... when they do a "where are they now" special on us... in 150 years...

You know where we'll be.

Gone... Broken shards of glass being swept up by someone else and tossed in a waste basket to be taken away...

And forgotten... Eventually.

I know, I know... You just have to enjoy life in the short term while we're all here on this planet.  It's a funny thing.  All of us know the end result.  Yet we do things like get up each day and go to jobs that most of us don't really like... Yes there are a handful of people that found the job of their dreams... But most of us would rather be doing other things with our time... Even the people that are like "I'm on my way to the top"...

Again... top of what?  And then what do you do at the top?  Hang out.  Snap a few photos.  Wait for things to eventually go back downhill... because no one can stay on the top forever.  Eventually one day... things go south.

That's inevitable.  I mean look at all the people that were on the top in 1900.  At the height of their careers.  In love.  Happy with their lives.

What happened to those people that had "amazing lives" in 1900?

Where are they now?

I don't even have to answer that question.  We all know where they are.  Every single one of those people.

Sorry to be kind of depressing.  I'm just having a moment.  I suppose I'll go set the rug up then maybe have a sleepy time tea and head to bed.

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