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Keep with it

One of the really positive things that I've gotten out of my improv class is the idea to "keep with it" or "go with it".  It's sort of this idea that even if something isn't going well or isn't starting well just keep with it and see what develops.

So in some of our classes someone started a scene or an idea and it wasn't working.  But instead of just stopping it and starting over with something new or just trying to change it to something else the instructor said to go with it!  The idea is even if it's not working at first, or if it's a thing that's been going for a while but is kind of stuck... just keep with it and see where it can maybe go.  Something else might develop out of it.  Or maybe if you are stuck someone else can help you out and then it can turn into something else really cool.

I think that's a very good principle to apply to life in general.  Many times in life I feel like I'm "stuck" or I feel like I started something that just isn't going to work.  By just stopping or giving up I don't r know where it might have led!  Things can change pace in a split second in improv and in real life I think life can do that too!  I think it's easy to get frustrated or feel stuck in life.  But if we keep with it or go with it and work at it... who knows where it might eventually lead!  It could lead to really interesting or good or new things.

The other thing I like to is that even if you keep with something and it does eventually just end without actually going anywhere.  You can then revisit that scene or idea when you get a fresh idea after some time has passed.  Sometimes it works!  So that's cool too.

There are a lot of really good life things to get out of this class.  I'm so glad I signed up for it.  So the next time you feel stuck on a project or something in life or at work or anything just keep with it... or go with it.  See where it goes!  If you REALLY feel it's not working... just break from it for a while.  Then wait and see if you get a new idea and then revisit it!

I do this a lot in music and my creative things.  Sometimes I'll just feel completely stuck on something and then a few weeks or months or even years later... I find a piece of something that works with something else and I create something brand new!  I guess this post has been a bit of a positive motivation post.  But hey I mean why not?  Glass half full!  Keep with it... go with it... either way... sometimes things happen when you think nothing is going to happen... and sometimes things don't.  But try and give it at least a little bit of a try and don't quit too soon.

On the flip side... if something just REALLY isn't working... it's also ok to end scene and start a new one.  I think it's ok either way.  I think as long as we feel ok with the decision it's a good decision either to keep with something and see where it goes or to try and start something new.

I think I'm going to see how it changes things in my life if I try and stick with things a little longer than I normally would.  So when I want to try something new I'll try and stick with and go with something slightly longer than I normally would.  We'll see how that works!  I feel like I'm just saying the same thing over and over again?  Kinda... I think I am, I was trying to keep with this blog and see if I could type a little longer after I wanted to stop the post.  I don't know if it worked.  It seems to have made sense.  Anywho on this note... I'm going to end scene with this blog post and catch everyone  in my next post!

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