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Chama Chama Chama Chameleon


That's me.  The chameleon.  Or at least that's how I feel like I am.  It's funny... like if you put me in any situation with any type of person or group of people or "class" I seem to be able to "hob nob" just swell.

I don't understand it really... it's weird.  I mean most people have their "group" of people that they fit with.  But then there's me... I don't fit anywhere... I fit everywhere.  I'm a chameleon.

I mean, I dunno... If I think back through my life to the groups of people I've hung out with... I've run the gamete.  Oops... sorry not gamete... that's a mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote....

Sorry I meant... run the gamut.  There we go... ha.  Hmm yea i've hung out with well... pretty much every different clickity clack type of group.

But what it's made me really believe is that... well no matter what someone is... we're all equals... I mean no matter if someone mops floors, or serves up fries, or runs a multi billion dollar hedge fund, or sells pets at a pet store, or recites shakespeare, or jams out drunk to Brittany Spears, or acts or sings or dances, or fixes cars, or listens to rancid, sports a popped collar preptastic shouting drunk from a porch holla at me, or stands around a party listening to a four string quartet play mozart eating quiche and talking about their corvette, or talking about their boyfriends boyfriend or girlfriends girlfriend, or they believe in the holy trinity and the lordy lordy, or they're a skier, a snowboarder, a skater, a new yorker, a friend across the pond, or the great far countries beyond, or a little kid playing with an imaginary magic wand...

I just made all that up... off the top of my head... hmmm... so if it's offensive to anyone I'm super sorry!  I dunno it's late, and I'm super tired... and I'm just thinking...

Well... the point is... no matter what type of person this is... they are all just as important and equal to me.  It's just interesting because I'm pretty hopelessly awkward pretty much anywhere but my home when I'm alone.  But I don't mind any situation or place or person I interact with.  I always find value and something interesting in all of it.

So yea... I think we should all think more of each other as equals and friends rather than say... well that person just started where I work... so they don't have as much value as I do because I've been here longer.  Or maybe oh well that person drives a piece of crap old honda civic and I've got a brand new Mercedes benz 2012 so they should pull over for me.  Or that someone is more educated than someone else so they are more important in society. or that someone has more talent than someone else... so all the kids that don't have clean water around the world that die from related illness are just as important as you or I!  Or even the presidents of all the nations of the world!

So that's my thought for tonight.

Sometimes I just feel like a mix bag... or a chameleon a chama chama chama chameleon...

Yep... I'm an 80's song.

Or a little reptile that climbs in trees and changes my appearance to blend in where I'm at.

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