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Does Time Seem To Be Speeding Up?

Is it just me or does time seem to go faster than it did 5/10/15/20 years ago?  I think it is.  Maybe I just have more on my plate?  I'm not sure, but it always seems like the days just fly by anymore.  it's weird.

Today was kind of awesome/not so awesome... we got to go to work late and then got sent home basically as soon as we got there due to flooding.  I guess yea it's annoying that we had to drive all the way there... but at the same time... good with the bad sort of deal.  I mean aside from an hour and a half (30 mins commute each way and 30 mins at work) I pretty much had a day off in a way... sorta.  I came home and just kind of enjoyed the time off and made some yummy nachos and then decided to take a 5 hour nap.  Which was pretty awesome as well.  I love naps.  I seriously love sleeping.  I could sleep half the day every day no problem.  Some might say: "well that seems like a waste of a day to me!" I don't know... I mean, PJ's, a comfy bed, ALWAYS interesting/sometimes strange dreams... and not to mention sleeping doesn't cost money and doesn't use energy!  In FACT you turn off the lights!  ALSO... when you are sleeping you are under blankets when it's cold out OR you just sleep in the "bare necessities" when it's hot out... Sooooo it's eco-environmentally friendly too!

I THINK sleeping is a fantastic activity!

As long as you are doing something you enjoy and it's not hurting others.  Is it wasting?  I think not.  Mmmmmm sleeeeep.

I don't know it definitely seems like i have less time for sleep than I used to.  Which makes me a little sad.

Maybe time isn't speeding up or slowing down but it just seems that way compared to "back in the day" that's all I gots-ta-say.

I apologize for the shorter post this evening but I think I'm going to go do that whole sleep thing.  Even with my 5 hour nap I still seem to be pretty sleepy!  Sooo I'm off to "conserve" energy.  Night internetsland.

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