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Finished writing a new song today

So last night my mind was just turning and turning and I don't know... I went out to karaoke and that let me relax... then I came home and kinda passed out... when I woke up... it was turning again.  By turning I mean it was just like there's stuff that I keep thinking about over and over again.  So in order to NOT think...

I decided to really finish writing this hero song... and I did... I was stuck in a few places... the second verse, the bridge and then the ending... but it all just kinda came together in a few hours of playing around on my guitar.

Then I got the recording software all setup as far as making the outline of the tracks to record.  It's pretty much on the start to sounding REALLY amazing.

After I finished all that I decided to play all the way through with my guitar and play along with the backing drum and bass and keyboard tracks that I worked out and I sang...

After  I finished and as I was playing it  I got tears in my eyes.  The song is pretty intense and I'm kind of just going to work on it as much as I can to get it all posted up.  I can't wait for everyone to hear this song.  It's a pretty great song and I think that in general it will go over well.  I plan to record it and get that all done before I play it live at an open mic.  That way if everyone likes it a TON I can tell them that they can DL the mp3. 🙂

It's funny how... I'll have all these songs written and kinda sorta record them and kinda sorta be not sure what to do with them... and kinda sorta take forever to work on them... and then I write a song in like a few hours, or a few days, or a few weeks... and bam... it just catches my attention and then I work on it feverishly to try and get it completed as quickly as possible.

This is one of those songs.

The song is written to in some way shape or form be used to help raise money for the wish upon a hero organization.  I think what I'm going to do is post it on iTunes and then donate the proceeds to either help grant wishes... or to help raise money for the organization... not sure.  But anywho you can check em out here:

Woooo music and creativeness... so that was my day.  Also I went for a run.  And I also made pasta for dinner.  Yum.  I also did laundry.  In case anyone was wondering about if I'd done my laundry or not for the week.  I mean I know that's things that people like to know!  Sooo I'm just keeping ya in the know and all that... about the laundry situation.  Now if you ask me if it's put away...


that's a different story.  Let's just say... it's a work in progress.

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