BennyEast.Com/Blog The official blog of Kenny West



This is just a random blog about the night and just how much fun I had hanging out with some cool friends.  I'm doing the opposite of venting.  What would that be? mmmm just instead of being all starbucks style venti  or venty or venting about something I'm just in a happy mood and just wanted to type out how much fun I had tonight!  Well whatever it's called... I'm doing that.

So this is me just rambling on... and blogging because I just feel like writing.

So tonight was just the best.  I was going to work on some creativeness while waiting for my turn at open mic but then I ended up randomly spur of the moment going to Quotations (it's a bar in Media) with open mic peeps and that was because I got to open mic late and signed up late because there was SOooooo much traffic on the way home.  They also arrived late and signed up in later spots.

So instead of just waiting staying at open mic we went down for a quick drink and food in Media.

We tried Iron Hill first but that place was packed... so then we went over to Quoty's.

At quotations I ended up running into some old friends I hadn't seen in a while!  🙂 So our group of 3 became 4 and then 5!

Then I went back to open mic at burlap and rocked out.  It was just a great night!

So yea.  I've been using this phrase LYL or Love Your Life a lot... I picked it up from someone at camp and I think they brought it to camp from England or South Africa or Australia or one of those places.  Well anyways It was one of those nights!

Does anyone remember the phrase FML?

It just is the completely opposite of FML or well you know what it means... if you don't then google it.

You know, i've been wanting to write a blog on this topic so maybe I'll just write about this.

I mean... I don't know, life is just so wonderful and beautiful and awesome and so I think maybe instead of saying FML which is such a "blah" outlook on life that maybe it would be cool to say LYL which is such a "WOOOO YAY" outlook!

Ok, it's ok to feel down sometimes but I'm just kinda thinking it might be cool to try and maybe on a larger scale as in pop-culturally to shift thinking from UGH life is sooo blah... to...

life really is cool! 🙂  I don't know it's worth a try!!!  Because you just never know what's up next around the bend.

I don't really know what I'm talking about here or trying to say.  But if it makes even the slightest bit of sense then sweetness.

So, maybe I just think it might be something neat.  There's just so much to smile about... so... yea just love your life... it might not be perfect and there's always lots of things going awry and it's hard... it's busy... it's crazy...

it's tiring... it's trying.  It's just life, it's scary!  It's unpredictable and all that... but it's beautiful!

I just don't like the idea that we should hate our lives when it's such a gift!

So, I just think that no matter what just love it.  Love it lots... because it's yours.  And no one else has your exact life line path down life.  And when such cool things can happen and every day has soooo much new potential to just bring a smile to your face...

I just say love it up and do the best you can and that's all that matters. 🙂

I'm just in a good mood and I wish I could share it with everyone!

I'm just rambling... but yea... tonight was a ton of fun!  My favorite thing is just friends and hanging out and having good fun conversations.  And tasty beverages are also good! 🙂 oh and playing music.

And yea.

My second favorite thing is creativeness... so hopefully this weekend I'll get to work on something to post up here.

Ok I just felt like spilling my thoughts here on my blog... haha... sometimes I randomly do that.  Sometimes you just have to get stuff out of your head.

Ok good night all!

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