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Day off!

Tomorrow I have the day off!  YES!  It's a comp day in exchange for working last Saturday.  I'm a fan of days offs because I enjoy just knowing that I don't have to get my butt out of bed early the next morning.

Here's what I always plan for days off:  I ALWAYS make an excel sheet of some sort that's a thousand (not really a thousand, really like 15 items, I'm just trying to give you a mental picture of having super amounts of things to do) lines long with things I plan to do.  Then I say to myself: "ALRIGHT I'm going to get ALL OF THIS DONE!  GO ME!  Let's do this!"

Then all of a sudden it's 4pm and i'm still sitting next to my empty cereal bowl in my PJ's with my laptop looking up random facts on penguins or something.  Because we all know Penguins rock and are also super cool.  Of course how can they not be cool being from the south pole and all.

Some Random Penguin facts: A group of Penguins is called a rookery.  Penguins mate for life. Male Penguins take care of the little baby chicks while the female goes and gets the food.  Who's wearing the pants in THAT relationship?  Or tux rather?

Also... Penguins are just freakin awesome.

Seeeee don't they look awesome there?

I mean ok... here let me prove to you how awesome penquins are.

Example A: the Madagascar 2 penguins...

Well, these guys are mostly just funny.  Actually they are slightly devious.  And maybe mischievous... but they are still pretty funny!  And they just make me laugh.


You know you love em.

The second supporting evidance or Example B:

Is the penguins from Mary Poppins... I LOVE THESE GUYS:


This is the best scene in that movie

Ok and LAST is this new movie Mr. Popper's Penguins which I think actually is a remake:


I SOOOOO WANT TO SEE THIS!  OK... sorry I just love penguins.

Oh and ALSO the linux logo is a penguin.  And we all know that linux is awesome.  This website is run on linux.

So I think i've proved my point about penguins.  But if you don't share my view, that's ok, it makes me slightly sad... but everyone has different views and it's ok.  Everyone has their own favorites.


So here's what I've decided.  Instead of planning to do 1o thousand million things and not get them done.  I'm just going to aim low and then if I do more it will be a successful day!  My only plan is to just watch at least one standup comedy on netflix to prepare for my comedy open mic thing.  And also... get my joke "set list" finalized.  I have way more that I want to say then I know I have time for in the short set that we get on stage.  So I need to prune down the list and only use the best ones.  Then I need to rehearse those a few times.  I spent tonight kind of testing out the jokes just me and my living room.  I hope no one peered in my one open window and saw me just standing there talking to myself while holding a microphone not plugged into anything.  This is new, so I'm not exactly sure how you practice stand-up comedy?

So, yep.  There.  That's it.  Ok I mean obviously I'll do the normal things like make meals and take a shower and brush my teeth.  But besides that.  My only real plan will be that comedy thing.  Also Maybe I might read.  Ok ok and also I'll play some guitar.

And ummmm maybe go for a run.  This is turning into a list again isn't it?


Well, how about this.  I'll just kind of do whatever comes to me tomorrow.  I won't plan anything and if my day ends up being like something out of a Harold and Kumar movie and I'm suddenly hanging out with Neil Patrick Harris... then I'm fine with that.  Just remind me to get an autograph.

Well until next time.... have a fantastic Wednesday!

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