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The best apple I have ever had

So... I had a pretty positive experience today.  I've had this apple for the last half of the last week in my lunch bag and I keep meaning to eat it.  But I never do.  I always get to the end of the work day and find I've eaten everything else in my lunch except for the apple.

So I finally just brought it home and put it on the table that I walk by the most so it would stare at me and I'd finally get sick of this show down gunslinger thing we have going on and finally I'd just be like OK apple... let's do this! (insert wild wild west music here)

Well... it took like an extra day... but finally I was like I'm going to eat you up little apple!

and I did.  And it was amazingly delicious!  I think it was actually the second best apple i've ever had.

SO what was the positive experience I got out of this?  Well, basically it was that here's this apple that I'd just not been really paying much attention to and all of a sudden I eat it and it's just like wow!  So I think this was kind of a reminder to me to say hey... you never know when sweet surprises will come at you in life.  So just live your life and let the positive things come as they do.  I def need to do that, I always think that I'm supposed to be seeking them out... but I think I've found that the things I am supposed to have in my life will seek me out.

I definitely have found that to be true.  Just go about your life and know that sweet delicious apples will eventually show up when you are least expecting it.  So... go positive thoughts and energy and all that stuffs!


Hmmm oh so if that was the second most delicious apple then what was the most delicious apple i've ever had?  Well the most delicious apple was when I was hiking Mt. Washington for the first time when I was maybe 12?  I forget the exact age.  I guess this was exactly the random sweet surprise that I was talking about... but about half way up we all stopped at a waterfall to rest and this random dude came by and just asked if any of us wanted apples... and we all said ok.

He started handing out apples to everyone and even stayed there and ate one with us then he went on his merry way.

I've never had a more delicious apple ever.  I think honestly it might have been the most delicious thing I've actually ever eaten... ever.

But yea... I don't know it was a random act of kindness and it was just awesome.

Random acts of kindness are awesome and I think I'd love to start doing that.  I wish I could start a club or something where we go around once a week and just do random acts of kindness to strangers for an hour or 2.  That would rock.

ok well... That's all I got for now on the topic of yummy apples.

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