BennyEast.Com/Blog The official blog of Kenny West


Wibiya Bar (What E Ya Bar? You Went To The Bar? What? Huh?)

Some of you may have noticed a little thingymabober at the bottom of the screen.

Reader: I have a question…

Me: What’s up?

Reader: Yea that’s annoying.

Me: Ok A – that’s not a question… and B – well… to answer your statement…

True.  It might be kind of annoying but it’s super useful!  It lets me do all sorts of nifty things!  It allows me to have direct access to my twitter status’s and my facebook page AND my youtube videos… or as they say in England… youchewb.

It’s true.  They say it like that!  I know these things.  It’s a fact.  Trust me.  I’ve hung out with lots of people from that part of the world.

Also they say it chuna… and not tuna… also true factoid.  Just for your FYI.  In case you were wondering.

So let’s see yes Wibiya bar.  I think it’s pretty snazzy.  At least for the next week, or month.  I might take it down.  For now I like it.  So I’ll be leaving it up for a bit.

Now there’s a free version (the one I’m using) and a paid version (the one I’m not using).  What’s the difference?  Well the paid version lets you take away the little shameless self promotion logo they got going on.  Which is cool, but if you run a legit real site you’d probably want to pay for it.  Since I don’t really run a business site and I just run my own little thing I’ll leave it at unpaid for now.

My goal by the end of the year is to start uploading my songs to iTunes and charging for my music.  I hope to make enough money from sales of my best singles to start breaking even for music making equipment and the cost of running my website etc. etc.  So as soon as I put up my first song on iTunes you are all going to download it just to be nice right?  Please?  With a cherry on top?  Maybe?  Well if you ever get a gift card to itunes for a present consider downloading one of my songs from iTunes.  That would rock and I’d probably give you a big giant awesome hug if you did so.  Ok so it’s a big giant awesome VIRTUAL hug.  But still.

Ok well that’s about all I have to say for this evenings post.  Tune in tomorrow for more Kenny-ness ramblings.


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