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The Way Out Of The labyrinth, Is To Go Into The labyrinth

I've often likened, at least in my mind, life to a giant labyrinth.  Each new turn or twist has some new puzzle to solve.  You're trying to find your way out... Whatever out is.

I've always thought out was the thing that I would spend all my time doing if I didn't have to do anything else in life.  SO, for me at least "out" is writing songs and recording those songs.  It's anything artsy really, the whole acting books music thing.  Etc.  Just sitting and thinking, going on runs in the summer outside on a nice day.  Mostly playing guitar/drums/bass/keyboard... And messing around in my music programs.

But the labyrinth of your life can be whatever it is you like to do.  I guess we're all making our ways through our own life labyrinths.

The life labyrinth is made up of all the little struggles that we come across, and then we have to figure out the best way to... Well... Figure them out.  Right?

So, we're all kind of just wandering around down these paths and coming into these obstacles and having to figure them out...

Maybe it's dealing with an issue at work, or having a struggle with family, or your living situation.  Life just keeps throwing more obstacles at you at a constant pace.  The life labyrinth just keeps going, relentless.

The thing is, you think, okay, if I JUST get this done, or that done... I'll be set.  I've kind of realized that, that's never the case.

The labyrinth will always suck you in further and further, and you'll always have troubles to deal  with.  So, what can you do?

Well, the thing about it all is, you get better at knowing how it works.  So, it's not that life gets any less labyrinthy or that you come across less struggles.  But, you get better at dealing with them.

There's a scene in Bruce Almighty where he's answering all the prayers coming into his inbox with one hand and sipping coffee with the other.  Which is kind of what I've figured out is how this life works.  There's always going to be stuff coming at you, but what happens is you get better at dealing with all the stuff.  You figure out how to deal with stuff faster so that you can go back to what you want to do.

For me?  That meant actually backtracking instead of going forward.

For some foolish reason I thought I was supposed to run around town and go all over to these things because I'd bump into some lead that would then take me somewhere.  All it did was consume a lot of my free cashflow and time and energy.  Since I've been staying home instead and only going specially to things like yoga, the gym, the store... Lowes, Target... Etc. etc.

This way, I'm starting to deal with things faster.  Which then frees up more energy and time and resources to gear towards what I REALLY want to do.

For me, that's music.

And the thing is, it's a feedback loop.  So the more you become better at dealing with the obstacle and such the better you become at dealing with future ones.  Which frees up more free time.

At least that's what I'm finding.  So, instead of going "out"... the way out, is actually "in".  Crazy, I know... But it turns out that the way out of the labyrinth of life, at least for small periods of time, isn't to try to stay out late and run all around, it's to just stay in.  It's to just be IN the labyrinth and just get better at dealing with all the stuff coming my way.

Make sense?

So, my previous logic was that if I drive places and go "far" I'll be able to then get to further places in life eventually.  But, if I stay in and actually don't go very far, that frees up money for me that I would have spent on gas and tolls and miles on my car and time spent driving... And instead I can work on things at home, not only more music, which can then be downloaded and streamed which will in turn actually generate more revenues for me...

But I can work on work work, and I can work on my house, and I can work on better stock pick research...

All of these lead to better outcomes.

Working on work work puts me ahead at work and makes it so my actual 9-5 work day is less stressful and more manageable.  Working on my house increase the value of the house when the time comes that I will finally/eventually sell it, and working on stock picks means I can get better earnings on my stocks and investments which then let me use that cash coming in to do more with... The house, music, go buy new work clothing so I can look shaper at work... Whatever... Eat healthier so I can feel better so I can have more energy.

To deal with the labyrinth even better.

Anyways so my current plan to be able to do more later on down the road... Is to do less.  To get out of the Labyrinth, I'm going in.

Weird right?

Instead of trying to get away from it all, just get better at dealing with it all.  Find better ways.

One thing I did was, my wrists would hurt from all the computer use that I do... Now I go to yoga every day.  I pay a monthly fee and just go every day.  So, now I can type type type... I just go after work and do an hour yoga every day.

Another thing is that sometimes my coworker wants to go eat in the cafeteria for lunch... Instead of staying in the office and eating at our desks.  My personal thing is.. I like to stay at my desk and do work through lunch.  I just like to get things done and have an open cleared task list so that we can just get the next issue right as it comes in.  Because there's always stuff.  So if you step away for even an hour or whatever... You come back to people running around screaming in a panic because something isn't working right somehow and so they are like... "AHHHHHHHH!!!!  WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!?!?!?!?"

And then we have to get through the backlog of people with computer emergencies.

He's more of, all about taking his lunch break, because he likes to get out of the office.  But he doesn't want to lunch break alone, so he wants me to go.  So, I'm just like okay that's fine.  But I brought my lunch.

Now what?  I go to yoga after work... SO my lunch would sit in the car for an hour and spoil.

I bought a little cooler.  Now I can just put my lunch in the cooler and take it home for dinner.  Problem solved.  SO not only can I yoga to keep my wrists from hurting,  but I can also keep my lunch for dinner.

Life labyrinth 0, me 1.

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