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No Longwood Gardens Wine and Jazz Fest

Today I was looking up when tickets go on sale for the Longwood Gardens Wine and Jazz Festival that I attended last year.  Sadly, they don't.

For some reason, they don't seem to be having the festival this year.  I'm not sure why, but there's probably a reason.  it says on their page that the fest will return in 2018.  So, I'll have to wait until next year.

It's okay, I've got plenty of other festy things to do.  I'm sure there are other music and wine tasting festivals in the area.  I'm going to have to search around to see what's where.

Here's the thing with all these going out activities though... While they are fun, they aren't really accomplishing anything.  I mean, I'm better off just going to the local trivia or karaoke week after week because you see the same people again and again and eventually you friend up on Facebook and stuff.  Or, pretty much anywhere recurring.

The non-recurring stuff, it's hard to make friends, or, as my original goal, meet that special someone.

Dating sites, even though they are such a crapshoot, are still the only place that I've actually gotten even close to a relationship.

I feel like I've had only a few relationships, or dating escapades even come from real life.  For the most part any girl I go on dates with or date... It's always online dating.

I've yet to figure out the best place to go to find a relationship from meeting someone in person.  I feel like everyone at the last wine and jazz fest was already with someone.

That's most places though.  Most people already have someone.

Who knows?  I sure don't!  If I would, I wouldn't still be single.  I mean, everyone else seems to have figured it out.

I feel like, I'm not going to figure any of it out.  I'm not going to have any clue about what I'm supposed to be doing, the clue will just find me.  That seems to be how most things go.  Everyone always seems to start out with... "Well, it's funny, I didn't set out in that way, I kind of fell into it."

That's true for any kind of "it".  Relationships, jobs, careers, where people live.  Almost every podcast that is a talk starts out that way.

Pretty much every time I do start talking to a couple out somewhere, and I ask how they met, it's always an accident.  It's always a funny story.  And a lot of the time, they hated each other at first.  That's a common one too.

Or, they didn't think much of it.  That's big as well.  Careers, relationships, finding living spaces, or moving to new cities... They almost always seem to start out with, well, it was by chance really... Or, it was on a whim.

It's almost as though most of life is whims, chances, and being blindsided.  Often too, people find success by things going wrong, or failure.  Or, in the case of the Longwood Gardens Jazz Fest... Things just NOT happening.  It's almost like, the day I WOULD have gone to the fest is the day I end up somewhere else and that's where/when I meet so and so who introduces me to such and such...

Etc. etc.

Life is weird like that.  The things you were expecting and then they get canceled sometimes lead to other things you weren't expecting, like love, or new chapters in life, or whatever.

At least, from the people I've chatted with through the years.  It's always that unexpected cancelation.  Or the last minute random spur of the moment thing.  Or blindsided, by chance and fate and things on a whim.

Or, it was there all along and one day something else clicked and then things changed.

Honestly, there's almost no rhyme or reason to life sometimes.  It's weird.

Anyways, that's why I'm not too upset really about no jazz fest... For all I know, that could be the day I end up somewhere else and some other thing happens that takes my life in an entirely new direction... Maybe love, or deciding to move somewhere new, or a new career choice or something, who knows?

Life is full of surprises.


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