BennyEast.Com/Blog The official blog of Kenny West


Banye East

Tonight I'm at the gym... and my mind is just kind of zoning in and out.  See, usually I read while I do cardio.  But during my working out on the weight machines, I can't read.  Sometimes I can put in headphones and podcast it, but I went early tonight and it was busy as all get out and I couldn't hear for beans... Too many people pumpkin iron and what not.

I'm not a big pump iron person, but I like to do some strength training because including cardio, strength and stretching as part of a regular workout routine is a good way to keep your body and mind in top shape as you age.  And I mean, I'm in my 30s now... So I'm starting to enter the stage of life where I just start to fall apart and what not.

Anyways, it was too loud to listen to a podcast while I worked out... This is why I generally go later instead of earlier, but tonight I went earlier.

So... I just zoned in and out.  Let my mind wander.  I had a thought that I should perform my music under the name Banye East.

It's like, the cool version of Benny East.  It's like the Kanye West version of Benny East.  Banye East, yo!

But then, I was just like... That kind of sounds like the Spanish pronunciation of bathroom.  Bano.... Banyo.... I'm missing that funky little wavy thing.  El Bano (Banyo).

WELL anyways... Then I'm thinking well I don't want to be Bathroom East!  That wouldn't be cool at all.

"Yo, where's the East bathroom?"

Not so much.

I guess there will be no Banye East.

So, I'll just have to stick with Benny East.

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