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Okay.  So, here I am actually out on this first date tonight...

And we're talking about the TV show Scrubs.  We can't remember who played the one character... You know, the main character (turns out it was Zach Braff).

Okay, so , I pull out my phone and google "Scrubs".

One of the first results?  Uniform Advantage.


Because why WOULDN'T it be?

That's just how it goes... The result was good old UA Brands...

Let met just explain something real quick...

Here's my thing... Let's say, you're a God.  And you have a situation where two of your beings that you created...

One of those beings (a guy) fell all kinds of in love with another being (a girl).  But the girl wasn't in love with the guy.  And then she moved far away from that guy.  Then the girl met a new guy, and she was now dating him. And the previous guy that was originally in love with the girl... SO, he was totally heart broken and beat up about her meeting this new guy...  Because now that girl he liked for a long time is with this other guy...

YOU as a God... It's now your job to figure out a way to make this old guy meet someone new... Right?  I mean, your job is to make the old guy forget the girl and meet a new girl.

Because after all, the original girl met this new guy once she moved far away... So, she's good to go.  She's met someone.  So WHY would you have a situation where the original guy...

Keeps being reminded of that original girl.  That's just... It makes no sense!  Don't do that.

Uniform Advantage is associated with that original girl.  So of course, here I am on this date, talking about the TV show Scrubs, and then I Google the word Scrubs and there pops up this brand that this girl was (or possibly still is) associated with.

And in my mind I'm just like WHY?  That's not fair.  It's SOOO not fair.  Why would you do this to me God?

It's just not fair at all to keep reminding me of this girl.  If she's still with that guy, and things are good for the two of them... Why would a God above keep reminding me of her?

Totally not fair.

It's not like I DON'T think about her... ALL the time.  I TOTALLY do.  I totally in a heartbeat would LOVE to read all her social media again.  But I don't want to see photos of her with her boyfriend all happy and in love.

I don't want to know.

I can't handle her and him.  It just makes me feel feelings I don't want to feel.  But, it's like... If you're a God and have complete control of the universe, don't make it so that the word Scrubs comes up in the conversation between me and this girl I'm on a first date with.  Don't make it so that we can't think of the name of the actor that played J.D. and that we decide to pull out our phones and I decide to Google the word "Scrubs".  And don't make it so that the search term Scrubs comes up with a top result of Uniform Advantage.

If you WANT me to forget her...If you want me to stop thinking about her... WHY put things in the way, ESPECIALLY when I'm on a first date... To remind me of her.

It's just not fair.

So yeah.  That's all I have to say.  I think about her... And I don't know why.  I don't know why I can't stop thinking about her.  It's just not fair.  What's the point in thinking about someone and being reminded of someone that you can't ever be with or talk to or see... It just makes no sense to me.  But here I am... Still just wondering about you and how things are for you.

Especially when I'm reminded of things that are uniquely specific to you and memories of you.



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