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Speed Dating? Bring MACE.

Real quick, I TOTALLY spaced off doing a blog post to a reaction to something in the news yesterday.  I apologize!  I was just too excited about the whole nook loading library books on thing.  Again i'm super sorry!!!  So tomorrow I'll find whatever is top news and then post something about that.  I was going to do maybe world news or something serious, but I think it will be more interesting to include all news.  So it could be anything from entertainment to sports, to science, or business or worldly events.  I might do something funny or serious.  Maybe even I'll try to do what they do on one of the shows on the E! Channel.  Ummm.. talk soup?  Or maybe even something like The Onion where it's a parody article.  Hmm... who knows?!?!?  That way it will be interesting and fun and you just never know what i'll write!  Sometimes sad, sometimes happy… always interesting.


Oh BTW... speaking of interesting... CAN WE TALK ABOUT LAST NIGHT'S EXPERIENCE?!?!?!


So.... Ok, show of hands... how many people have ever been...


Speed dating.





I went.  I did… it was an experience.


I know what you’re saying outloud right now  “YOU WENT WHAT?!!?!?!?!  TELLL ME ALL ABOUT IT... I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING... NOW.”


Ok... settle down down... If you MUST know about it... here goes...


So I was minding my own business when suddenly I had a message in my inbox from a friend who has started running a speed dating business.
Dear Kenny:


I'm short on guys for this Monday.  Can you please come and be a dater for me!?!?!?


(Me thinking while reading the email: I don't know... I'm probably busy writing blogs and things... and playing guitar and napping... I'll have to think about it...)


Email continues:


There will be free food.


(More of me thinking: FREE GRUB!!!!  I'M IN!!!!!)


Email continues:


Be there at 7pm.




Cut to last night at 5:30...


Shower – Check

Beard trim – Check  (I really need to just shave and cut my hair)

Fancy clothing’s – Check

Money in the bank or wallet – Cash


So off I went to date with speed.  Which is different from dating on speed.  I've never tried that and if you are looking for a story about dating on speed then you're out of luck. I apologize!


Anywho... so the first thing we all did was get some paperwork stuffs with ice breakers and questions and space to take notes on the other peeps etc. etc.


So… at first that was going ok as people started showing up... well, then things stopped going so smooth... half the ladies got spooked and called off at the last moment….


So by people showing up… I mean… guys.


Now there were tooo many dudes!


Damnit… as everyone is saying at the moment... this is definitely NOT winning.


I ended up sitting out on the sidelines watching for pretty much the whole time.  I did kinda hop in on 2 of the rounds... but for the most part I went to the bar, got a beer... and just watched.


Honestly, I’m glad how it worked out…


It's WAY more fun to watch then it is to be in the thing.


Call me old fashioned but I just like a nice casual coffee shop or dinner and a beer night out kinda thing going on with one person.  Maybe it’s just me but I really want to get to know the person!  Ya know?



As far as the spectators view… They should seriously have a speed dating show!  People are entirely way too awkward about this.  They are like what do we talk about!?!?!  And then you can see them getting all nervous in their seat about wondering if the other person is interested in them or are they sitting there thinking yea this person sucks NEXT.


Oh wait... they kind of did make a show about this... it was called Next.

I miss watching Next on MTV.  Haha... what a classic idea.


So anyways more on the speedy dating.  It was like a highschool dance… during breaks… most of the guys were all on one side and most of the girls on the other… the guys were all being macho and talking dude like camaraderie and the girls were being all well… we’ll get to that in a bit!  It was the most interesting part... what the girls were talking about...  ohhhhhh the anticipation!

No skipping ahead!  Just read.

Anywho… so I don’t know basically the way it goes is kind of like you sit across from the person and just interrogate them for a 5-minute interview.  My thing again is how much can you really learn from someone in 5 minutes?  I don’t think a lot.  But I guess that’s the idea of the speed dating process right?


So…. At this point you’re asking WHAT was soooooo interesting about this?  You haven’t said ANYTHING that’s made me not think that what I just read was a complete waste of my time.


Ok HOLD on… so I’m getting to that!  Honestly… would I EVER waste your time???

Don't answer that.  Let me rephrase that question...

umm... would I... hmmm... ok... how about...

If I have I’m sorry!  That makes me sad.  I hope everyone who reads my blog is enjoying it!  Right?


Well so towards the end of the night when most of the dates had finished up a few of the dudes actually left early.  Since there were too many guys and not enough dolls (insert witty Guys and Dolls reference).


Well sooooooo…. A few of the girls were kinda chatty chattin again in their little girl-friend group they had formed… and they started talking about one of the guys that left and how they thought he was weird…. I decided to come over and sorta mingle in so I could get in on the gossip.


It’s like a real life Talk Soup episode!


So… I came in about here:


Girl A: “…you know he’s still outside just sitting there waiting… like across the street.  I think he’s waiting for us all to leave”


Girl B: “OMG… that’s sooo creepy!”


Girl C: “Well I came prepared!  I have my MACE.”


HOLD UP…. MACE!?!?!?!


Uh…. What?  It was funny at first…  Everyone laughed at it.


Then things got awkward.  What if he really WAS gonna try something?  Maybe he was upset that not enough girls showed up?  I dunno… SCARY…


Just so you know: he was just waiting for a ride.  I just think he didn’t have wheels… poor dude.  This actually makes me sad for him now… he wasn’t trying to be creepy… he just didn’t have wheels of his own!  I think I’m going to come back to a thought on this whole judging others thing at the end of this blog… I just read something in the book I’m reading and the line fits with this.  It just blew me away… not to get all preachy… but It just makes sense!!!  So… ok I’ll come back to this.




I guess maybe speed dating can get a little risky?  So up until that moment I was just kinda like sorta eh this is ok… but it was just something I was doing for the heck of it.  Then at that moment I’m like wow… some people are pretty serious about this!  She must have the MACE in the first place for a reason right?


I mean if a dude would REALLY wait until after to follow some girl back to her car… that’s just not right.  He would need to rethink his morals and values.


This is definitely a not very gentlemanly thing to do.  The more I thought about it the more it upsets me that girls need to carry around pepper spray.  What sorta world is this?


Sooooo seriously guys… on behalf of the male sex… stop that stuff… have some self-control and manners!


Ok so coming back to what I said I was going to come back to  I think this quote pertains to what happened there with the MACE convo from last night… here’s the quote from the Ragamuffin book I’m reading:


“Freedom in Christ produces a healthy independence from peer pressure, people-pleasing, and the bondage of human respect.  The tyranny of public opinion can manipulate our lives. What will the neighbors think?  What will my friends think?  The expectation of others can exert a subtle but controlling pressure on our behavior.”


I mean… I feel like that is so relevant to what happened there.


No one should be judging the dude before he’s even done anything!


I mean, yes it’s ok for the girl to be protective and defensive I agree… but be careful what you think of people.  Assuming things can’t ever be good!


Maybe I’ve interpreted it all wrong… but that’s what I got out of it.


OK final thoughts


Just one.


Dating is emotionally draining.  Yea, it can be fun.  But… I suppose I’m just kinda… wiped out.


Maybe I do need to just stop trying and let what will be will be?


On another note:


I’m going to be doing something that will hopefully increase my potential odds of not being single anymore.


What’s that you ask?


Living in my own place.








All shall be revealed.


Now… I just have to find myself a TV and a couch.  Anyone have a TV and a couch I can have?  No?  Looks like it might be time to hit up IKEA.


My life is about to get infinitely better.


Here’s to my very own bachelor pad.


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