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So This Is Interesting

Here's a link to an article that looks at the election results in a different way...


In that article it discusses the GDP of each county and which counties voted which way.  It looks like for the most part, the higher GDP counties voted for Hillary, while for the most part, the lower ones voted for Trump.

If we changed the whole voting process where instead of an electoral college by state, we had each county gets votes based on its GDP contribution... We' have significantly different election results.

I feel like we definitely should change the voting system in some way to update it.  If we just go with popular vote, or we go by county, or state, but instead of an electoral college vote, it's done by a GDP and people who contribute the most to the economy get more of a say than those who aren't contributing.

It's a bit like if you have a group project right? And there are 10 people in the group.  What usually happens?  The 80/20 rule kicks in.  20 percent of the people in the group, 2 people, end up doing 80 percent of the work.  That's been proven time and time again to be true.  Yet on the grading, everyone gets an equal grade?  That doesn't seem right.

So, maybe use something like GDP of a county, or some other metric to make it so that people who work harder, get rewarded with a bigger share of the vote?  Perhaps that might be a good way to go about it.

Or maybe there's another entirely different way to go about it.  But, it's tough no matter what because the vote is never going to be 100 percent one day.  That means that there's always going to be some group of people who aren't happy.

This year, I'm one of the unhappy ones.  But in past elections there were plenty of people who were unhappy with the election outcome.

It's definitely interesting though that the higher GDP counties on the whole voted mostly for Clinton over Trump.  Interesting stuff.

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