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Wine Festing

So I went wine festing today at this thing.  It was fun.  I actually started talking to this girl that I'd seen at one of the quizzo events I went to.  We chatted for a while...

Friended on Facebook... annnnnnd...

She has a boyfriend.

Oh well.

Story of my life.

But she was like "you should come to this other quizzo!"

So who knows?  Maybe I'll go to the other quizzo and be introduced to one of her friends and then hit it off with the friend.

The thing about girls with boyfriends/husbands... Is that they have single friends.

And if I end up meeting a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend... Then I might one day be introduced to that one girl that I'll end up sharing my trust fund with.  Or, getting married to... Really though, they are one and the same.

Whoever I marry will basically get half my million dollar inheritance.

Which is a pretty decent perk just for marrying someone.

I mean... I know lots of married people that are all like... "How are we going to afford..."

Meanwhile my future wife and I will just be like... "But how are we going to afford... Oh right... Trust fund."

End of discussion.

Pull out phone... Call California.  "Hello?  Yes, I need... Check is already in the mail?  Great!"

I mean obviously money isn't everything, but they say most arguments between couples are over money.

I guess our argument will be about how to spend it?

Who knows.

But anyways so it does seem that almost every event I go to... I pick up a new Facebook friend.  While some of them seem to have boyfriends.... Some of them don't.  And even the ones that have boyfriends... Who knows... Most of the people that are single, myself included, once had a significant other and were off limits at one point.

So, it's worth being friends with a girl even if she has a significant other because one day... She might not.  And then the two of us might end up hitting it off.

I guess that's the thing about love.  I feel like a lot of girls too are more likely to date a friend over some new person they just met.  Even if they are single, they probably are more likely to date someone they have known for a while.

Personally?  I'm open to dating anyone that seems interested.  I'm not big on only dating friends... Or only dating people I don't know.  Or whatever.  I mean, if a girl tells me she likes me, and I like her back?  Let's date!

Right now though, I have no girls telling me they like me.  Which is generally the case.  Like, I was CRAZY about Miss Daylight... But she wasn't interested in me.

I'd ALWAYS date Miss Daylight.  It could be 5 years from now, or 10 years.  I'd still be like... Yep.   100 percent.  And I'd never break up with her.  Ever.

I think everyone in the world knows that by now though.

That's kind of how it goes.  It's hard to find two people that want one another!  It's just hard.  Usually someone wants one person, but the other person isn't interested.  Or maybe they are kind of interest.  Or maybe one person wants another person but the one person is dating someone already.

Or maybe two people want each other but no one speaks up so both never know and then they never end up together.  That makes me sad I guess.  I feel like there should be a website where you just list people you have feelings for and then that way people can stalk one another's "I have feelings for this person dot com" site and if two people both find they are on one another's lists... Someone can make a move!

That's not a bad site.  And you can add and remove people as you have feelings for someone and don't have feelings for someone over time.

So for example, you could just periodically check your crushes  feelings for you dot com site... and then maybe your name hasn't been on that list in the past, but all of a sudden it shows up out of nowhere.

And then you have them on your list.  And then you both get emails notifications.  Or maybe you just both know because everyone is watching everyone else lists to see if their names show up.

feels for you dot com.

you feels dot com.

Something like that.  iFeels....

And then especially when you're at a wine tasting fest and you have had a couple drinks... And you're more likely to put something up that you wouldn't normally say when you are sober.

Oh and maybe make it so that once you put something up, it stays on the site for at least 72 hours before you can take it down.  So then it's like... Oh no... I posted my crush's name while at a wine festival... Now I'm sobered up... I have to wait to take it down.  Then crush has time to see it on there before you can get rid of the evidence.

Because wine is truth serum and makes us tell all.

Well anyways so hopefully one of these days I'll finally get that mutual crush thing and we'll both be like...

"OH my gosh!  You like me too?  No way!"

"Way.  Totally dig you.  You dig me?"



"Oh man... We should start saving for rings and a wedding because that stuff is expensive...  Oh... Never mind..."

"Hello trustee?  Yes, I'd like a check for some rings a a wedding please.  What's that?  You've already sent them out?  Thanks!  Can we get a new car that is safe for children because we're thinking of... New car is already waiting at the dealership?  WOW, it's like you read my mind!  Thanks trustee!"

I guess it will all happen some day.  Just have to keep going to events and meeting girls and mixing and mingling.  One of these days one of them will click and we'll both know what it's like to do that whole fall in love and get married thing.

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