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yea, lol.

The response that annoys me the most from girls on dating sites is... "Yea, lol."
And that's it. No follow up question in return. Nothing. Just, "Yea, lol."
It's usually the end of the conversation.  Even if I try to respond to that... And maybe ask another question or try to spur or stir the conversation, usually they don't respond.
So, it's not that they are really saying yea, as in agreeing, or that they are laughing out loud because what you said they think is funny... They are more just no longer interested in keeping the conversation going.
Dating in any form takes two interested people.  If one person loses interest.  No matter HOW hard the other person tries... It's impossible to keep it going.
Dating just sucks.  There's no two ways about it.  Most people won't be interested.  I waste a lot of time trying.  I've wasted time on probably thousands of girls that either had no interest from the start.  Or lost interest eventually.
But I just have to keep hoping there will be that ONE girl that won't lose interest.  That we'll both keep the conversation going and there will be interest all the way to make it to a relationship, and to a marriage and have kids and a family and all that.
It only takes that one person to click.  The reason why no one else clicks is because there's just that one person that does.  Obviously I just haven't met her yet.  I've just met all these other girls... I just keep bouncing off rejections and bad starts to possible relationships... But eventually there will be one that just clicks and we both keep the conversation going.
If someone isn't interested, that's on them... It just means there's someone better out there that works when that person didn't.
So if someone is going to respond with "yea, lol."
I just imagine them on their wedding day saying that, the man says... "I do" and then the wedding officiate turns to the woman and says...
"And do you take this man to be your husband?"
And she says... "Yea, lol."
And then the whole wedding ceremony stops and drops to a dead quiet and everyone looks around.
Say what?
Is that the kind of person I want to marry some day?  The kind of person I want to raise a family with?  Probably not.
"Honey, do you know if the kids did their homework?"
"Yea, lol."
"Honey, I need to take the car in for service, can you give me a ride or can I use your car today if I have to go anywhere?"
"Yea, lol."
"Dear, I need your consent on this medical power of attorney item should something happen to me while having a routine dental procedure done."
"Yea, lol."
Just doesn't give me the warm fuzzies like I can trust her with responsible grown up things in life.
It's like a joke.  Like she would take our entire life, and our entire marriage as a joke.  Legal documents.  Routine life events, dental, health, things with homeownership and car ownership.
How can I take someone seriously after they respond with... "Yea, lol."
Could you imagine this person on a job interview?  And the person interviewing them just got a response after every question of... "Yea, lol."
Who would hire her?
I can't take you serious.  SO even if you ARE interested... There's no way to keep the conversation going.  Because it sounds like you think this entire start to what could POSSIBLY end up as us getting married and spending the rest of our lives together...
TO you?  It's a joke.
"Yea, lol."
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