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Musikfest And Other Fests

Last night I hit up the final night of Musikfest.  It was pretty sweet.  A friend of mine met me there with her friends.  I feel like anymore... I just want to drink beer with people.  I've started jam packing my calendar full of events.  So I pretty much go out every single night.  My thing is... I think I've given up on dating or meeting someone.  If it hasn't worked with anyone by now... Screw it.  I'm just going to enjoy my 30s and basically go out a lot of be a 30 something single person that lives alone.

So, instead of doing that whole family or relationship thing that all my peers are doing, not by choice, because I'd LOVE to meet the one and get married and settle down and have kids and all that but I just haven't meet her yet I guess.  Instead.... There's beer and events.

Musikfest was just one event in a long string of upcoming events.  I figure if I pack my schedule full of things to do, I have a better chance of bumping into her.  I have a better chance of one day finding that one that I will marry and spend the rest of my life with.

I've tried online dating and that just never worked out.  So instead, I go to various beer events.  It's interesting because the more I go to, the more I find out about.  There's a LOT of them.  I had no idea there were so many festivals in this area.  There's tons of Spring, Summer, and Fall events.  I'm not sure how many winter events there are, but I imagine there are some.  One of them I found is a comedy improv festival up in Bethlehem that is in February.  I've already added that to my calendar.

But, I think I'm done looking for love.  If it's going to happen... It will just have to find me.  I'm not going to bother doing that whole going on dates anymore thing.  I'm just going to go out and mix and mingle and drink beer with people.  And if a spark happens... It happens.

It's not like I don't have time, I mean, I'm 33.  Some people don't meet sometimes into their late 30s or even 40s... So if I spend the next 2 or 5 years just going out to all these different beer festivals before I meet her... Then that's just how it goes.

Tonight I'm playing a show.  I'm going to practice a bunch for that today.  I definitely want to play more shows and work on more music.  I have two songs that I've been working on that are coming along.  Neither of them are anywhere near being completed, but I'm starting to get back into that after not working on music a ton for the last year.

Anyways so Muskifest was awesome yesterday.  We just ate and drank and walked around and checked out lots of different and interesting thing.  Performance art, music... Etc. Etc.

It was a great time.  I plan to go back again next year.  I also plan to go to Celticfest and as well to the Oktoberfest that they have up there.

So, while all my friends are getting married and making babies... and what have you... I'm going out to as many festivals as I can find.

I just found a new one today that is at Yards Brewing next month... It's a fundraiser for homeless cats!  Now that's a cause I can get on board with.

Who knows, maybe one day I'll end up like all those people that are in relationships, or in love, or married with kids.  But for now.... There's festivals and events and beer.  Or sometimes wine.  I don't always drink beer, and when I don't, I drink wine.

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