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Work Happy Hour: Part Two


Went out to work happy hour last night.  I was fun.  Nothing super crazy interesting happened.  But, what did happen I'll document here...

The happy hour was over at Brittingham's Pub.  It's a nice place.  The happy hour actually started earlier.  Most other office hours run from 8 to 4, or 8:30 to 4:30.  I'm 9-5.  I finished up my work and headed over to join the crowd.  They had three beers on special at half price.  Normally the drafts run about 6 bucks, so I snagged a 3 dollar special Summer beer of some sort.  I just picked the one with the lowest ABV which is usually what I do.  Be responsible!

I mixed and mingled and chatted with coworkers.  Conversations waxed and waned.  At some point the obligatory group photo happened.

"Everyone get in!  Come on... Squeeze in there... No you... yeah.  Okay. Everyone ready?  Wait!  Okay, Okay... Here we go."

The tennis coach was presented a wood and stone award that had an inscription about his various achievements over the years while at the college.

I ended up staying longer than anticipated.  I did go with a second drink, which was even lower in ABV, Amstel Light is 3.5 percent.  It's one of the lowest you can find.  I ate dinner when I got home.  Although, I did sneak back to my car at one point to chow on a Cliff bar that I had in my backpack.  So I had at least something in my stomach.

Later on in the evening stories were shared.  Some harrowing, some embarrassing, some comical without the embarrassment factor.

A little while before I left the Conshohocken Sports and Social Club showed up.  They basically took over the place.  There were sports and social club shirt wearing people everywhere.  Each one must have been a different team because there were distinct groups that all had different color shirts on.  Same logo on the front, but some shirts were blue, others yellow, others pink... and so on.

Tonight I'll head to yoga and then home.  I have hit the very end of my budget.  I'm SUPER proud of myself.  I had nearly 800 dollars in unexpected car repair bills.  Had to get new tires and brakes and inspection/emissions and oil change and some other small things...  I wasn't planning on spending that much money.  But... being the master budget-er I am.  I was still able to not spend more than my pay this month.

So even with the 800 dollar car expense line item that I had only budgeted 200 dollars for initially... I still made it.  At midnight today my budget resets.  I'm basically down to my exact last dollar.

We're still waiting to hear about the trusts... The last email was a couple weeks ago that the new trustee was working on things.  So, I'm not sure where that's at.  And my mom's estate probably won't close until August or so I'm told.  It takes 9 months for an estate to close.  So for now, I just keep budgeting away.

I'll definitely continue to budget away even after things are settled... But since I plan to invest all the money I receive and then count that investment income into my monthly budget my budget will go up by however much income I make each month from the investments.  So, I'll just adjust that accordingly.  If it makes me an extra 100 bucks a month... Great... If it makes me an extra 1 thousand a month... then I'll adjust my budget by that.  And if it makes me an extra 10 thousand a month... Then again... I'll just adjust my budget.  But I'll always a budget.  Doesn't matter if you make 100 bucks a month... Or 10 thousand a month... I believe you should always have an Excel sheet budget mapped out and track each income and cost for the month and know where your money is coming from and where it's going to.

So that's my recap of the work happy hour/farewell celebration for the tennis coach leaving the college.

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