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Self Inventory

I had an idea to make a self inventory today.  A self inventory is... Kind of like an inventory checklist of yourself.  I guess that's... a bit self explanatory.  Let me explain and elaborate...

One of the steps of this process of settling my mom's estate includes an inventory reported to the county.  The inventory is basically... The tangible physical times that she left in her will.

It doesn't include... Her skills.  And her personality.  And her smarts.  It doesn't include her history.  It doesn't include... All of the things she did when she was alive, like teaching skiing at the ski area in the winter, and life guard training at the lake at camp in the summer.  She did a ton of other things.  It doesn't include the degree that she earned to be a physical education teacher before she had to get a liver transplant.

So, I was thinking... That's the kind of inventory it SHOULD be.  And then I thought... What if I did an self inventory on myself.  Not the physical things I own, or the bank accounts I have...

But, who I am as a person.  What if we all did one?  I feel like it could be a great way to track who we are and where we've been and where we're going.

On Monday in yoga the instructor mentioned a Joan Rivers quote...

"I wish I could tell you it gets better, but it doesn’t get better. You get better."

So then I thought, maybe there's a way to track that?  To really figure out a way TO get better.

And everyone always has room to improve on themselves no matter where they are in life.

So, I was thinking, what about some kind of annual self inventory.  Kind of like an annual review.  What do I do with my day generally?  What kinds of behaviors do I have?  Could they be assigned a point value on an annual basis or maybe even every 6 months or every month even?

Are some behaviors or skills desirable and I should work more on those?  Are some less desirable and I should work to improve or change those things?

I think that would be a great way to just work on myself, and anyone else could also do this, to just become better.  To just figure out how to sort through life and everything it throws at me in a faster and more efficient way.

I was thinking so what are some good things that I do?

Well, to start... Yoga is great!  There's a super awesome supportive community at the yoga studio that I belong to.  Physically and mentally it has definitely helped me so much since I started going.  My wrists used to hurt a lot from all of the computer use I do.  But yoga 2 or 3 nights a week fixes that.  It also improves my mood and just makes me feel better.

I also run, and work out at the gym.  The last time I was at the docs, all my numbers looked great.

I drink fruit and veggie shakes too, so that probably helps.  I try to limit my alcohol intake and only drink socially.

What else?  Well...

I write music, I'm working on a book, and I trade stocks and invest in my free time.  I'm building up a health income dividend portfolio and I also am just generally getting better at investing and investment research.  I keep to a strict budget so as not to spend more money than what I make.

I read a lot.  I also listen to lots of podcasts and educational content.  So, I'm always trying to feed my brain.

I've been at my job 10 years... Though I've taken on new job duties, I haven't really "advanced per se" so that's something to maybe put in the improvement category.

It's true, I don't actually have my 4 year degree.  This goes in the things to improve category.  I was taking classes years ago but life got in the way.  And all the stuff with my mom being sick.  So, there's room for improvement there.  I do like my job, but there isn't a lot of room for advancement.  So maybe finish the degree, then make a lateral move to a larger college or company to try to move upward in the IT world.  we'll see... I could focus more on writing and music and investing and try to make a comparable salary from those and then pivot to an entirely different line of work.

What else?  Well... I'm going to admit that I'm a little emotional sometimes.  I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve.  This then sometimes comes out in my social media.  Okay, so I'll work on that.

My thing is... I want to be the best person possible to everyone I know.  I want to be someone that people really respect.  Especially let's say when it comes to dating.  I want to be someone that she can look at as... WOW... I REALLY found someone that is definitely someone I NEVER want to let go.

Who wants to be someone that is a person that "fired" from dating.  I mean, okay yes there are chemistry things where you could be awesome but that person still just doesn't develop feelings for you.

But, let's say there are feelings... and she wants to talk about you to her friends and family... or even post about you on her various social media accounts.

Well I want to be the guy that she raves about.  That she's like... telling all her family and friends about how AWESOME of a boyfriend I am.  And then she can list all of the skills and things I've done and basically everyone will say... WOW.  You definitely found a good one.  Don't let him get away!

Basically be someone amazing in society.  Be the star employee at work that the boss will do anything to keep.  Be that kind stranger and friend that helps when a favor is called upon.  Be organized at home and keep the house in order.  Be healthy and wealthy and wise and all that.  And then be a supportive great boyfriend, and the fiancée and then husband to the girl that I meet in the future.  And tell her, that I'm always working to become even better all the time.

So, that's where I'm headed.  Look at my weaknesses and my strengths.   Figure out where I have room to improve in all aspects of my life.  And what I can change or stop doing that might be working against me, or start doing that might make the quality of life for those around me better as well as my own life!

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