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Serendipity Trustee

I'm in yoga tonight... and I'm thinking about two things mostly... Or two people rather... And I'm kind like... Well, maybe this is going somewhere? Okay, sure, maybe it's not. But maybe this setup happened for a reason? Maybe these two people came into and out of my life for a reason?

Let me explain...

The first person on my mind is... Our old trustee of our family trust. A new trustee is, right now, in the process of taking over our family trust from the old trustee. Old trustee is no longer going to be trustee. Instead, we'll be communcating with a new trustee that the courts appointed. What's interesting is... There shouldn't even be a trust anymore right now at all because we're all over the age of 30. In the original trust terms, the assets were to be distributed outright after we all turned 30. However, the old trustee changed those terms so that a trustee would manage the trust until we were at the age of 50. Now, we're going to have a new trustee until the age of 50 managing our trust. At first I thought, hmm... That stinks. I'd rather just have the money. But tonight.... I had a different thought about it. Before I continue on about the new trustee... Let me back up...

In 2010 I met a girl on a dating site. She blew my mind and heart wide open. It's complicated. But the long and the short of it is... I chased her and never got her. There's WAY more to it than that. There was another guy that she was in love with... etc. etc. But basically, we got into this thing where she would read my blog and I would.. blog about her. Mostly. Yeah. And I would think about her all the time. And I'd know that she read it. And there was an unspoken agreement that I blog every day and I see a dot on my analytics that she read it. After all... What's the point of writing anything without an audience? And what better of an audience for fate to setup than to have THE girl that my heart longs for read every word I put down. Originally my hope was to win her back. So I blogged and blogged. And she read and read. I hated writing mind you, but... I kept at it. This turned into a book. I started writing more of the book and less of the blog. I still blog though... now I'm trying to finish the book that this lovely gal inspired.

What do these both have in common? Old trustee and old flame that I couldn't get? The both live in South Florida. By fate or chance. But let's look at this a little further...

The old trustee modified the terms of the trust to require that we HAVE a trustee until we are 50. Initially we tried to move the trust to 2 other locations but both declined... So where's the trust headed? Glad you asked... It's headed to Beverly Hills. A private bank in Beverly Hills will now manage our trust until each of us turns 50. This means I have a 17 year relationship with a private trust officer at a bank in... yep... Beverly Hills.

Why is this good?

So, the old flame girl that I never got but wrote blog after blog about and... Eventually started writing a book inspired by her... She moved to South Florida in the same year that the old trustee moved and she met another guy... (at least the last time I indulged in binging on her social media when I was slightly intoxicated, seeing the girl of your dreams posting proof of her happy with another guy never ceases to turn my stomach). Alright though... But hey... maybe this is how it's supposed to be. Maybe I'm never supposed to get her. Why?

Well... Now we put the two together. Both of these individuals that now reside in South Florida did two things... The girl gave me a book. So what do I do with this book? The trustee gave me... A court appointed contact in Beverly Hills at a private investment bank. SO what?

Again, maybe this is nothing... Or maybe it's something. My guess is... Beverly Hills is also home to... You guessed it... Other people that do business at the bank... Perhaps even with the same trustee... This means... Other authors that reside in and around the Beverly Hills area. Other writers... Actors... Producers... Other Hollywood hipsters that may possibly walk into and out of the same bank that now is going to manage my trust for the next 17 years. For all I know the same man sending emails to my inbox... Might also send emails to the inbox of other key people in the Beverly Hills area that know other key people... Writers, actors, producers...

This is what went through my mind in yoga this evening. So... I guess we'll see where this goes. Maybe it's not leading to someone that might then help me publish my book and get it turned into a movie so that Rebel Wilson can act in it and then I can nonchalantly ask her out on a date. Or maybe it is. Only time will tell...

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