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I’m Just Going To Say What Everyone Is Thinking…

I'm tired... REALY tired... of never finishing my bag of lettuce before it goes bad.

Seriously.  I just don't get why they can't make half size bags!  I mean... I get it... there are people out there that love their lettuce...  But some of us don't want a salad with breakfast, lunch, and dinner!  I mean... It's just too much lettuce.

Lettuce have less lettuce!

I mean who's with me?  Does anyone else actually finish their bags of lettuce?  I feel like I've finished a bag of lettuce that I've bought maybe a half dozen times in my entire life.  It just seems like it would make sense though for them to sell like 2 ounce bags instead of the standard 4 ounce!  I'd love to see that product on the shelves for sure.

Now... Since we don't have that option at our local super market, my alternative option that seems to be working out pretty well is that I take half the lettuce right off the bat and freeze that in a container.  I just put it in one of those little Rubbermaid containers and stick it in the freezer.  Then I use the other half of the lettuce on my sandwiches for work, or for dinners and such.

So what do I do with the second half that's frozen?  Well, as everyone knows, lettuce doesn't exactly thaw out too pretty.  It thaws out... well... it's... I don't even know how to describe it.  It's like just not the same after it gets frozen... That's for sure!

Obviously I can't make a salad out of it, or put it on my sandwich.  It's just a sad little piece of lettuce after.  Super sad.  Sad lettuce.

Instead though, to make that sad lettuce happy again, I've found a new use for it!  Lettuce be happy!

I take the frozen lettuce and throw it in the blender along with my other shake ingredients when I make a fruit and veggie shake.  When I first tried it I was a bit unsure of how it would turn out, but it's fine.  It's great even.  I don't even know it's there!  I just blend it right along my other fruits and veggies and such.  And sip away.

So until the bagged lettuce producers can get on board with half size bags of lettuce this is my next best solution to not let all that lettuce go to waste.

If you're into smoothies and you buy bagged lettuce and you always seem to end up tossing away some of the bagged lettuce instead of tossing it all in a salad before finishing it... try it out!  I mean worst case, you do end up tasting the lettuce in your shake or you don't like the consistency it adds... Oh well... make sure to have a friend nearby that you can give the shake to so as not to waste it.  Or maybe ask a friend to try out out first.  But the frozen leafy greens instead of the fresh leafy greens, which some shake recipes do actually call for, seem to be just as good either way.  Plus you can keep them frozen for a while until you do have a chance to shake things up!

But seriously... Can we just have half size bags of bagged lettuce already?  Someone get on that.

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