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Never Have I Ever… Been To Longwood Gardens!

The title of this post is taken from a game that some may have played when they were younger (Or older, I guess it all depends on what age you are when you are reading this post).  It's called "Never Have I Ever..."

Here's the Wikipedia article on it:

Yeah, it's technically a drinking game... But I think it could also just be used to do new things, find new experiences in your area and break out of your routine.

We all get into routines.  Most of us like routine.  We like that familiar path where we do the same things over and over again.  But sometimes you have to break that.  You have to try new things and see what other experiences there are to be had!

I used to think, I've done it all here in Philly.  Turns out I'm wrong.  Yes, I've lived in this area for a significantly long period of time.  But as it turns out, there's still plenty of new things to experience!

So, I've started making a list of things I've never done in Philadelphia and the surrounding area.  Don't get me wrong, I love doing my usual routine type of things: Going on runs, yoga, writing at Iron Hill Brewery, working on music, sometimes playing an open mic, trying out karaoke, or quizzo... but there are lots of other things to do too!

The list is coming along nicely.  Some of the upcoming things on my list include: The Phoenixville Blues Festival, this out of the blue Egyptian Festival I found out about last night, Celtic Festival up in Bethlehem... Ok so mostly festivals so far... but the VERY next thing on my list...

Longwood Gardens!

Seriously, I've never been.  EVER.  NEVER EVER!  I know right?  Well... I plan to go check it out in the near future.  I'm actually thinking I might go this weekend at some point.  Maybe Sunday since I have to work Saturday.  We'll see.

Feel free to try it if you're in a funk of some sort.  Take inventory of things around you, browse Google maps, or look over your local tourist bureau websites, or visit "insert town name here" business associations.  You'll find there's a lot of resources!  Meetup groups work too.  You can just see what people are doing and going to.

I'd love to find a website or if it doesn't exist make one where you can keep track of things you've done in your area and share those lists with people and view other shared lists and see what you have and haven't checked off.  I think that might be a cool site.  I'm sure it exists already in some fashion.

SO get out there!  Break your routine and try something new.  Because there's always something to "Never Have I Ever" about.

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