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Cat-out?  What's that?


No... it's not a cat telling you to get out.

Think... Whiteout... but instead it's not Whiteout... it's Cat-out!  It's when you want to post a picture of yourself online but your friends are also in the picture.  But you KNOW your friends don't want to have their faces in the photo... soooo you use Cat-out.

It's simple just Google image search a picture of a cat making a funny face... such as the photo above.  You may also use your own picture of your own cat.

Then crop the photo so that the cat is just showing it's head/face/possibly front paws if it adds to the cuteness/catness factor.

Then take the photo of you and your friends and place the cropped cat on top of their faces.

DONE!  You've officially Cat-outed your friends.

Now you can go ahead and post that fantastic picture of yourself online and your friends can remain anonymous all thanks to Cat-out!

I know, it's awesome right?  Yes.


Note: Please Cat-out responsibly.  This also works with dogs, hamsters and various other pets.  Feel free to get creative!

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