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NYC and new song soon

So I went up to NYC yesterday/ the night before to give my friend Brit a ride up. We hung out, went out on the town and then ordered food online at like 5 am and got it delivered.

I enjoy NYC muchly so. But I don't know if I could live there. I would need some kinda studio solo apartment and a wad of cash. Then I think it would be an awesome place to live.

Although I would def need to get away as well sometimes. I think living there for extended periods of time would just be like too much for my brain. I'd need some forest mountain quietness.

On another note I did some further mixing and tweaks on a new track I am working on. I am hoping that everyone thinks the track sounds as awesome to their ears as it does to mine.

I mean, no lie, I LOVE the song... Usually I hate my songs. But I love this one.

It's got potential. Anyways I will post when it's up. I just have to do a couple more mixes and listen to it on my ipod while running and then listen to it in the car and then listen to it at a friends house.

I think then it will be ready to go!

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