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I don’t fit in this world

I feel like i don't fit in this world.  I don't like any of the things that all the people I know like:

I don't like watching sports

I don't like tatoos

I don't like going out and drinking every Friday and Saturday night

I don't like super loud music

I don't like going "down the shore"

I don't like partying all night.

I don't like spending all my money on vacations to far off places and booking cruises or going on tons of road trips

I don't like spending my whole paycheck

What do I like?

I like saving money.

I like staying in and working on creative things.

I like voluteering

I like making music

I like writing

I like reading

I like making dinner as opposed to going out to a restaurant..  I think restaurants are only supposed to be like maybe once every other week.

I like watching movies

I like listening to iTunes U while I work on things or go for a run or do dishes or when I'm driving back and forth to and from work

I like just spending time in with that special someone when I have a special someone to spend time with.  My favorite thing is to just make some dinner and watch a movie.

It just feels like people I meet want to do all these always intense things and always be out and going and doing and going from one thing to the next and always spending every cent they make and then some.

It's just not me.  I just don't think anyone like me exists.  Everyone I meet is all about living WAY beyond their means.  About going out multiple times a week to drink.  And I don't know...

Half the time I don't understand how they fund it.  I see all these status's on facebook and it's like how on earth do you possibly make that much money to afford rent and going out for dinner and drinks 3 or 4 nights aweek and take vactions 5 times a year and go on road trips every month and buy brand new cars and buy all these brand new clothes and all the latest gadgets...

I just don't understand.  Either they must make a TON more than I do.  Or they get help from mom and dad or a secret cash source.  Or they are just putting it all on credit cards and eventually it will catch up with them.

Either way... I feel like... how am I supposed to ever meet a girl when I have nothing in common with all the girls I meet?  It's so frustrating.

But I keep hoping that some day I'll meet a girl that likes to just be low key most of the time and doesn't need to always keep on going out and doing all these things and spending all this money.  I keep hoping I'll meet a girl that doesn't care what the score of the game is because does it really matter?  No.  It doesn't.  I'll meet a girl that cares about just spending time with me and not how many times a week she can go out and have drinks.

I guess the one thing I've always wanted is to just have a house and have someone to share it with and we both work hard and at the end of the day we spend a nice evening in watching some TV or a movie or sitting by a fire.  But I guess that would have been something people would have done 100 years ago.  No one does that anymore.  People don't make dinner with each other.  Or sit by a fire all evening.

They go out and go clubbing every night.  Or they are constantly dreaming about their next trip to mexico.  Or they are wanting to try every single resturant they possibly can at 50 bucks a plate.

I guess I'm just out of my time period or something.  I just really don't fit in this world.  This world of "life's a party, do a million things, drink lots of beer, tailgate, crash monster trucks into each other, fist fight each other, compare engine sizes, fight about which sports team has the best MVP, tattoo your whole face/legs/arms/chest up , spend your whole entire pay check as soon as you can now, worry about paying for it later" generation.

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