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Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it

So this is a quote by this guy Charles R. Swindoll...  He's got a lot of quotes but this is the one I like the best...  Here are some more of his quotes...

Here's some more information about him...

I've been thinking about that quote a lot.  I guess it's true.  The way I picture this is let's say...

Life is like a bunch of rainstorms... and then sunshine... and then rainstorms... and more sun...

If you react to the rain and sun by preparing yourself and figuing out ok when it rains I need an umbrella.  When it's sunny I need a hat or sunscreen...

You can weather the storm and stay dry, and then enjoy the sun without getting burned.

So if two people are going through the same storm... one could get soaked.  Then when the sun comes out they take off all their drenched clothing and get burned.

But the other stays dry in the rain and then protected against being burned in the sun.

That's the best way I look at that.

I want to try and get better and better at equipping myself for the rainstorms and the sun shine.  I feel as though I'm often caught off guard for either one and I don't react correctly to it.

Although, I think I'm getting better at it.  Yea, I feel like I'm definitely getting better at it.

This is just one of those random thought posts.  Sometimes I like to self reflect and think about what I am and who I am as a person and like how I can be better and do better.  Definitely one of the best things I think I can do is just generally be optimistic about things and really pay attention to the people and things going on around me.

I think things in life happen in waves and are very cyclical and if I don't pay attention to others and learn from them and from experiences I won't understand what to do the next time that situation comes up again!

So if for example with the rain/sun thing... if I never looked at other people around me pulling out umbrella's before the rain and putting on sunscreen in  the sun... I wouldn't be a very happy camper!  I'd always be wet and burned and feeling yucky.

But if I look and learn and really understand what they are doing and why they are doing what they are doing I can sort of have one of those "Ah HA!" moments and say to myself...

wow... I GET It now!  Ok... so I need to start putting on rain gear when it's going to rain and sun gear when it's going to sun!

But... sometimes you have to get wet and burned in life to figure these things out!  Right?  Maybe.  Annnnnd then you see the light.  Or at least a break in the clouds.

And the thing about it all is even if you DO get wet or burned... or your burning wet.. whatever that might be...

You can always buy a towel!  And some aloe vera.

Or borrow from a friend.  And once you understand it all.... you can show others the magic of the raincoat and sunblock...

Or even lend out a towel or aloe vera that you may have had to use once but now you are set with the gear.

That's my "Kenny thought" for today.


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