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Waiting In Line

So sunday night I was at wally world (Walmart) getting a couple of things.  One of my finds are these modular storage bins, let me see if I can find a pic...

There we are.  Here's the a link: 

It says you can stack them 4 high.  I bought 4 of them... sooooooo right now I have 4 but stacked 2 high side by side.  So that means I can add double my height and width for future expansion of things and stuffs that I might need to put inside them!

Ok well yes so I'm waiting in line to buy my stuffs.  I had a few other things too like some food items and other awesome random goodness.  It wasn't an enormous line... maybe like...  I think there were about 3 people in front of me and 2 behind.  So 6 total.  There were about 3 or 4 cashiers open.

Now no one really LIKES to wait in line.  But I mean waiting in line is just one of those things that will probably never go away in life.  So it's kind of a given and you just accept it.  Like traffic as well... there's probably ALWAYS going to be traffic and lines and such.  BUT, what's cool is that if you anticipate that this will most likely happen you can bring a book or something with you to entertain yourself and make it go faster.

So I've got some books on my nook app on my iPhone.  Well I was just kinda standing there reading and waiting and really completely A-Ok with the speed of the line.  Then all of a sudden I hear the guy on the phone behind me.

"Yea hello?"


"Yea I was just wondering why the lines were so long?"


"Yea I'm calling from over here in line and thought maybe you could open up a few more registers"


"Ahhh some people are out sick?  Is that why the lines are usually long?  Maybe you should hire more people so when the people call out sick you have extras?"


"I mean that's just the way I'd be running the business if I were doing it..."


the conversation went on... I quickly realized that the guy was calling the customer service desk up front.  I kinda looked over that way and could SEE the person on the phone looking at the guy behind me on the phone!  It was way awkward.  I kinda almost wanted to just totally laugh out freakin loud and roll around on the floor laughing my butt off...

But the floors looked a little dirty.  So I decided it was best to just keep my cool.  I was definitely smirking at this point.

Well the guy eventually hung up and then decided to call his wife

"Yea honey I'm still at walmart.  I'm in LINE... yea I mean I'd LOVE to be doing other stuff right now but here I am just WASTING my evening standing in line at walmart."


"What are you doing?  I bet it's something that DOESN'T involve standing in line at walmart because there are barely any check outs open...."

He just went on and on speaking super loud on purpose so everyone around could hear.

I started to wonder if maybe there wasn't anyone on the other end and he was just kinda pretending to be on a phone call just to talk loudly about how long the lines were at walmart.

Eventually after what seemed like 5 minutes... because... it was about 5 minutes.  I'd moved up to the front of the line and completed my order and was on my way out.

As I was putting my bags in my cart I heard the guy hang up on the phone and say loudly "Well FINALLY I'm at the check out honey... so I gotta go."

I was smiling holding back laughing sooooo hard and completely in disbelief that someone would actually call the customer service from line to complain about a 5 minute line wait.

Obviously he's never been to 6 flags.  45 minute line wait anyone?  Someone call batman!  This batman ride line is soooooooooooooooooooo long!!!!

Well anywho I didn't really have a blog topic for tonight so I figured I would recount my story from walmart.  I've never had that situation happen to me before so I just thought it was blogworthy for sure.

If you ask me... the line wait was pretty enjoyable and of average length... I read a couple of pages in a book and got a moment to just stop and ponder about the meaning of life.

And I got a good chuckle from the dude behind me.

So the next time you're headed to the store just remember to bring something to do!  Like a book... or a crossword puzzle.  Or you could always bring a mini chalkboard and chalk and try to solve physics problems... or play hangman with the person in front of behind you.... that is if they aren't busy on the phone calling the customer service desk to ask why the line is soo long.

Well that's my funny story of the week.  Life is always full of interesting people and events that's for sure!

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