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Just a wednesday night blog post and a funny dream post (a two in one!)

I think tonight I'm going to blog about a couple random things...

First is something that I'm pretty sure I haven't written on before.  So this is just a little behind the scenes on my music making deal...

So when I make music there's this thing that happens.  It's sort of like a snowball effect... I think that's the best way to look at it.  So my process starts with bits and pieces of ideas... just a little small little bit of an idea here and a little bit of an idea there.  They slowly start to stick together and finally coalesce to form one super duper awesome whole song.  Then I start working on the actual  recording of the song.  First I build up a small little framework of how I want the song layed out.

Next I play along live with the framework and make adjustments until I know that's how I want it to sound.

Then I start laying down tracks here and there.  Eventually the gaps just kind of start to fill in slowly and then it starts to turn into a finished product quicker and quicker.  It's interesting because at first it sort of takes me a while to get steam... or momentum to really get going.  But once I pass a certain point... it kind of just snowballs and I work on it more and more and more until bam... it's done.

I think I'm starting to get to that point with my next song.  I've FINALLY gotten to the part where I'm starting to lay down tracks and fill in gaps and it's really starting to pick up steam and start to sound more and more like a full finished song.

That's sort of with most things I work on creatively.  It's very slow going at first and then it gains this momentum where it starts to just take off and things happen very fast at the end!  I'd be interested to see if I could figure out a way to make things just have lots of momentum from the start!

Perhaps drinking more coffee might help?  Although... that might just make me all jittery.  I usually drink one cup of coffee in the AM time while I work away at work.  Seems to start my day off with a pep in my step!  Or rather a pep in my type!  Since I work with computers and all.

Hmmmm oh sooooooooo last night I had this weird dream where I found out my fridge was a time machine...

But first I had to take everything out of it to get inside.  And then before I climbed in I had to set the dial for super cold to go back in time... or warmer to go forward in time.

Although the whole dream was just about trying to figure out how it worked.  I never actually time traveled in the dream.  once I finally had the hang of things the dream was over... hmmmm maaaaaaaaaybe tonight I'll get part two of the dream?!?!?!

It wasn't a super funny dream it was just... odd.

Oooooohhhh I DID have a funny dream though a little while ago!

I had a dream a few weeks ago where I had to keep giving people rides places... it was just people I know... and I was driving around in my car...

and EVERY few minutes someone new would tap me on the shoulder and ask if I could take them to somewhere.  Some asked to be taken to the mall... and some wanted to go get food at a restaurant... and some were asking to go like across the country!

But people just kept showing up in my back seat... and tapping me on the shoulder.  It was just like HOW many people are back there!?!?!  But I couldn't look back because I was driving.

And I kept getting more and more worried because in my front seat were a few containers of ice cream I bought... and I just kept thinking how bad I needed to get home to put the ice cream away in my freezer!!!!

And I kept trying to turn the AC down but every time I would look at it the nob would slowly keep moving back to heat on it's own!

And more people were showing up in the back seat tapping on my shoulder and saying hey Kennnnnnnnny!  Can you take me down the street?  Can you take me to the mall?  Can you take me to the bar?  Can you take me really far?

And my ice cream was melting!  And... yea... it was weird.  It was really rather weird but kinda funny.  Well it's time for me to see what interesting/funny/random thing I dream about tonight!  Night!

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