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I love PDF's.  And I love digitalizing things.  Digitalizing things is probably not a word.  But we'll just pretend it is.  I mean... it sounds fun!  I'd digitalize myself if I could!  Hmmm actually technically this blog is kinda like me in digital form... I mean, kinda, right?

Ok well anyways PDF's rock.  Yea... they do.  I enjoy them so much that I take any and all documents and mail and things that I get and I digital them up by scanning them in and then put them down onto a backup hard drive.

Then I can place them in all kinds of folders and thens and I can search all the documents for easy finding of things when I need them later on!  like right now... I'm scanning in taxation stuff.  Ewwwwww taxes.  But it's one of those requirements for life.  SOooooo I'm getting that all in order.

Anywho yea scanning things into PDF form is definitely one of those things that I highly recommend.  It beats having a desk full of papers!  At least I think so.  When I do keep things in paper form I keep them all organized with my sharpie/packing tape/masking tape/folder/plastic containers system (see this blog post  But eventually I get everything all scanned up and digitalized.

So since I've been doing a bunch of PDFing today... I decided it was most definitely blog worthy.  And now you know about my love of digitalizationing things!

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