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Affect, Effect, AFLAC!

Yesterday on google news they had a grammar error.  They might have picked it up from the news source instead of google news actually publishing it.  I don't know exactly but I thought it was interesting that a major news source could publish that kind of error.  As well it wasn't just anywhere in the new story, it was in the headline.  I was just kinda like whoa... how didn't anyone notice that!?

I guess errors happen all the time in news sources?  It was new to me though because I've just have never discovered one before.  I've always had them shown to me or pictures or video taken... especially if it's something funny then it's on youtube/whatever other funny stuff here com site is out there.  This got me thinking... at first I just said "effect" and "affect" so many times that I started saying it like the Aflac duck and then started saying alfac all day.

But it also got me thinking about errors in real stuff in life.  So normally there are tons of mistakes and errors around us everyday.  "To err is to be human" or something like that?

This is my job!  I help fix errors.  Some of them are people errors... some of them are because computers can't seem to get their act together sometimes.

Well... so like I said this got me thinking about two things... thing A is that my mom is back in the hospital again because she has an infection.  Her kidney functions are up a little bit and so basically it means she's slightly dehydrated from it... they are doing IV fluids and running tests and so she will be ok.  But I always hear about errors in hospitals so I worry every time she goes in that they might make a grammar or spelling mistake on the chart or something!  Hospitals always give me the creeps.  I know the medical professionals work hard at their jobs and they do as best they can to help positively affect the lives of their patients.  But I also know that adverse drug interactions can have a negative effect as well and it's always something I worry about!

Because mistakenly dropping some chinese food soy sauce on a chart at the nurses station and then making it look like 150cc instead of 50cc's of whatever drug can be bad... "Does that say 150 or 50?  hmmm... I don't know, you think that smudge is a 1? or is that chinese food?  Ummmm... just go with 150... what's the big deal right?"... It's kinda sorta grammatically similar to using an A instead of an E.

"Is it affect or effect?  Ummmm just use effect... what's the big deal right?"

Ok maybe not exactly the same but still... I worry when I see errors like that.

OK well thing two that I worry about is this sort of thing happening in my fiances... so speaking of Aflac and insurance... I put in a bid to try and purchase a property... I'm going to wait to say anything more until everything is finished and if the deal goes through.  Right now we're going back and forth.

I REALLY like the place though because I know that it's what I can truely afford.  My biggest fear has been going in over my head with buying something.  And this is the first place that I feel actually comfortable buying without feeling like I would lose my shirt!  So I'm excited.  But we started talking about all these inspections and things and I'm slightly worried what if I make a mistake and buy it and then find there's a thousand million billion mold spores all over the place.  That would suck.  But it's a risk that anyone takes when buying.  But I still worry!  I also kinda worry that maybe I might miss some wording somewhere or that the mortgage people might have goofed... Or who knows.  There's a lot of places an error could occur so it's a lot of work just to keep track of it all!

I mean think about just one letter wrong in a description... this property is filled with gold in the walls!  GOLD!!!

Ohhhh sorry typo... we meant mold... one letter off.  Oops.

The difference between gold filled walls verses mold filled walls is a pretty huge difference!  And all it took was one little wrong letter.

So those are my thoughts for today.  I'll be praying for my mom to be A-OK and get better quick and have her infection go away and I'll be praying that there are no errors in the dealio with the condio and that it all goes smooth.  With any luck I'll have my own little casa de kenny!

We'll seeeeee.  I'm excited about possibly having my own place that I can care for.  Just like I can help and care for my mama... Although I probably owe her that anyways because she changed 193938292 diapers for me back in the day.

Well it's time for me to finish eating up my lunch and get back to work!

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