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Fell asleep with the lights on

So I fell asleeps with my lights on.  I woke up at about just before 1:40 ish....

There's a dude screaming out side my window... he said a couple of different things but mostly repeated "WHO ARE YOU!?"

I think I also heard "LEAVE ME ALONE" and then some... umm swear words...

At first I wasn't sure if it was coming from one of the apartments... I wasn't sure if it was a prank.... so I laid in my bed for maybe 30 seconds... then I heard the voice again... it sounds like he was yelling outside standing next to the building AT someone.

SO I turned off all my lights and looked out the blinds... I could see two guys kinda walking  around in the parking lot... they would come together and then seperate....

It looked like they were looking in the direction of RIGHT under my window.  Then I heard another swear and more of the "WHO ARE YOU?!?!"

I then had no idea WHAT was happening and I thought whoa... are these two guys going to attack this guy that is below my window????

All I could see were the two guys.  I couldn't see the other guy.  But immediately I was just like if he's screaming at two other guys in the parking lot and asking them "WHO ARE YOU?!?!" and cursing....

A: He doesn't KNOW these guys.  SO he's not just drunk and fighting with friends. He's probably legit scared by them.  Are they planning on robbing him?  Or attacking him?

B: He's obviously too far under my window for me to see which means he's SOMEWHERE up against a wall.  Obviously he's not all high fives with whoever these other guys are.

C: There are two of them... and 1 of him.... at least that's all I could hear and see.

Honestly... I didn't see the other two guys holding any weapons and I didn't see them look like they were actually in any sort of fist weilding mode.

But I HAVE seen fights before and I do know that things can turn from two people or 3 people just yelling at each other to someone on another person punching them.

So... I don't know... that all pretty much took place over about a minute and I was just like man...

I don't want to call the police... maybe someone else called?  I don't know... should I just ... watch?  Should I video record it?

And I was just like ok if SOMETHING happens... and someone gets hurt... or worse... and I COULD have called the police to defuse the situation and break it up... but I just sat there...

I'd feel COMPLETELY responsible.

So I just called.  They came really quickly and as soon as I saw they were on the scene.... I stopped looking.  I didn't want whoever these dudes were to know it was me who called.

I don't know... maybe something else was happening... maybe there were more people I couldn't see...

All I know is if you are yelling "WHO ARE YOU?!?!" at what sounds like as loud as you can... and at almost 1:40 AM.

There's something not normal about that situation and it's best to alert the authorities and let them handle it.  I still hate the idea that I "told" on someone... I mean... at least that's how it feels.  But I was legit scared!  I was just like WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!!!?!?!!

I still don't know.  I just hope it wasn't anything bad.

I'm mostly just confused.  And a little weirded out.

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