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Why pizza is the most awesomest food ever

OK... soooo I feel like blogging and I don't feel like writing anything serious.  So here's a fun blog about why pizza is so awesome.

Well first off you can really order it for nearly any occasion.  I mean pizza is for everyone!  It's universal... for... party.  It can be ordered at work... or for a kiddie bday... or when you are a college student hungry at midnight... It's also good for like a family on a friday night.  Or seriously it's just good whenever!

It's hard to get bored of pizza.  You can order it in all kinds of ways with all kinds of different toppings.  My favorite is pepperoni.  But I like all the other types of toppings out there.  You don't have to stick to just one topping!  You can mix and match combinations and it will almost usually always still taste yummy... (not always though... there are some combinations that just don't work).

...of course there's the whole shapes and sizes thing... you can get as small as little itty bitty personal ones.  Or you can order mega size pies for gatherings of friends.

There's also cheese-less pizzas... or tomato pies... or there's cheese only pizza...  There's upscale pizzas even like wood fired flatbread brick oven type things!

Oh there's deep dish too, and stuffed crust.  There's whole wheat pizzas.

Pizza is also fun to say... cuz it sounds like peet-sah but it's spelled piz-zah...

I think best of all you can eat it tons different ways:  Some cut up in nice neat pieces with a fork, some eat  the crust first, some don't eat the crust at all, some fold it, some burn the roof of their mouth with it, some dip it in a saucy sauce, some put mega hot hot sauces on it.

But the best part about pizza is even when things all ho-hum at the moment when you order pizza... everything is awesome again.  Mmmmm Mmmm Mmmm!

So, there ya go.  That's my fun blog on why pizza is the most awesomest food ever to be invented.

yea yea yea... maybe it's not really all that healthy for you... buuuuuuut... it's still awesome.

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