BennyEast.Com/Blog The official blog of Kenny West


Church Hop Number 2

So Sunday I plan to church hop again.  I think I'm going to try this baptist church in Media.  Then after that I'll get some iced coffee probably at 7 stones and work on some writing.  Maybe go on a run.

If you Google map keyword church... There are a TON of churches.  I could literally go to a different one EVERY Sunday for a year and still have tons left over within an hour drive.

Like I said... I'm only doing it to counter the bar scene.  In the bar scene people are like... "PUH-LEASE... CREEPER.  What are YOU doing trying to talk to ME!"

In the church scene everyone is like... "HI!  Who are you?  What's your name?  How are you?"

Ying and yang.  Gotta balance out all the rejection of trying to find the love of my life with the random kindness of Christians.

Also, I've stopped complaining to Facebook.  Instead... I just write it all out here.  No one reads this blog.  I can actually write ABOUT crap on Facebook and in real life and no one even knows I'm writing anything.  It's great.  No one has a clue.

Instead I just post awesome/funny stuff to Facebook.  Then I get all sour on here.  It works out well.

So anyways... Yeah this Sunday maybe I'll do Media.  Then maybe Doylestown next Sunday?  Or maybe over in NJ?  Not sure.  I think I'm willing to drive up to 2 hours.  SO that will give me literally thousands of churches.  By the time I get to the end of the list... I can start all over and the people won't even remember I was there in the first place.  Again... Going multiple times in a row is the problem.  You have to go once and done.  Like a Sunday church one morning stand.  Otherwise the people at the churches get all clingy and they want to know your information so they can rope you in.  Look... I'm just here to possibly meet a single girl, or a girl that might have a friend that's single.  Or I'm just here to meet people that are friendly to balance out the whole bar/dating scene where girls are mean as hell.

So don't get all clingy with me.  That's why it's one visit and that's it then onto the next church.  And before you say... Well that's not how church works... I say... church works however the person attending wants it to work.  I throw a couple bucks in the thing when it comes by.  So if I want to show up one and done and throw a few bucks their way.... Beats having an empty seat that morning.  I don't consume any resources other than sitting there and saying hello to people.  And out of the deal the church gets a few bucks that they didn't have before.

So anyways... If that's what it takes to get through all of the mean responses or ghosting that happen on dating sites... That's what it takes.  I'm not giving up my search for that one girl that I'm supposed to get married to.  I just need a different approach.

It's a lot of verbal abuse being a dating site.  Some of them say some seriously VERY mean things to a simple hello.  Lucky for me when you show up in a church on a Sunday morning and you say hello... They don't tell you to "fuck off".  I've had a couple of "fuck off" responses to just a hello.

Dating is brutal.  It really is.  It's just bad.  It's filled with lots of horrible unkind people that have nothing but mean things to say.  Every now and then there's someone that's decent.  But dating on the whole... It's just terrible.  It's a horrible experience.  So if you made it to a full real deal relationship or even marriage... You're one of the lucky ones.  You're soooooo lucky.  You have no idea how lucky you are.  SO very lucky.  Because dating is just one of the most horrific experiences there is.


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Heights and Weights

So... I was thinking about a message I got from someone on the dating site about how I may not respond to her because of her weight.  It's stupid.  Do guys really do that?  To me... Weight and height isn't even a factor in dating.

I could care less.  Someone isn't less or more attractive because of their physical size.  That's just dumb.  Anyone that thinks that way needs to check their priorities in dating.

My things that make me like someone aren't weight... Or height.  My things that make me like someone are... She's funny.  Sense of humor is definitely up there on the list.

Creative things.  That's another thing that captures my interest.  Funny and creative.  Smarts.  I like smarts.  I like when you have things together in your life...

Job titles are attractive.  So if you're a full time salaried career oriented person... That's super attractive.

Reads a lot.  That's also attractive.

Like, if I ever met a funny girl, that was smart, creative, had a career she was passionate about.  Liked to paint or do crafty things or was a photography wiz... and she plowed through books... Oh and if she's got a slightly techy side... That's attractive too.  Like "I setup my own wordpress site".  See that's kind of hot.

And then you Instagram me photos of paintings you did.  And then you have your own side photography business.

And then... I like where she has super great social skills.  "I'm an introvert, but I have good social skills."  See, that's cute.  If she goes to networking things because she's a business savvy girl.

I like balance of business and artsy.

You know fashion, but you're not afraid to change your own oil.  You can do your own makeup and nails.  Like you know how to mimic things off Pinterest... But then you can also add your own creative flair.

But height and weight?  Eh.  I could care less.

So like my ideal match on this planet... would be funny, but also kind of serious when she needs to be.  She'd be super smart.  Pick up things quickly on her own.  Out score her boss on a workplace placement test.  That's HOT.  If you tell me... "Yeah, my boss took this same test and I outscored her."  Yeah.  I'm like... Well hello now.

She's creative and artsy but not like... broke creative starving artist.  She knows the real world requires work to make ends meet.  So she works a corporate job but that job lets her get creative.  She can fix her own computer issues.

"I called IT but by the time they got here, I had it fixed."


She's got fashion sense.  She's good at taking photos.  She's a social media queen.  She'll never say... "Oh I don't know how that works..."  She just figures it out.  She's the one that figures things out for her friends and family.  They ask her how something works and she sets up the Google hang out chat session.

She's a planner.  She has a little dry erase board at work where she keeps track of things.  She's got stuff all over her walls at home and work that are arranged in cute creative fun ways.

She's just a wiz.  A funny creative, smart, interesting, career driven, wiz.  She's got her own apartment.  And a cat.  And instagrams photos of her cat.

She drives a car and takes selfies in the car sometimes.

She gets pop culture references and makes them back.  She consumes a lot of media.

She has a strong grounding sense of morals.  Like she won't even accept money or help from people.  She'll do it on her own.  She's a strong independent woman type of deal.  She's very proud and prides herself on making her own way in this world.

She's all that...

That's what makes me really attracted to someone.  That's my ideal girl.

It has nothing to do with height or weight.



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Dear Future Love Of My Life/Bride

Obviously I haven't met you yet... Or we'd at least be dating.  I mean, how could I possibly have already met you... But we end up married?  That's just impossible.

So, obviously I haven't met you yet.  I look forward to the day that I do meet you!  I can't for the life of me figure out why some loving caring God above would make me wait so long to meet you.  I'm 33 and I still haven't met you yet.  I know LOTS of other 33 year olds that are already on their 3rd kid!  So... I'm going to just guess that it's all up to chance.  That's it's just dumb luck that I haven't met you yet.

If there IS some caring loving God above... I HOPE to heck that this God reveals to me WHY I was made to wait sooooo long to meet this love of my life and that it makes sense in the end.

Anyways... I just want to basically write a little letter to you...

I don't know anything about you.  I don't know your hair color.  Or where you're from.  I don't know your ethnicity or race... Or religious background.  I don't know ANYTHING about you.  All I know is that some how I'll get from this moment in time where I'm writing a blog post about you...

To standing in front of you promising to be with you until my dying day.  Somehow there are events that occur between these two events.

I'm sure they will be events that I can't even begin to imagine.  They will be completely different from anything I could ever think of.  And it will all be amazing... Because I will have met you.

Whoever you are.  You made me feel such a way that I got down on one knee and proposed to you.  I don't know where I did.  But there I am... Kneeling in front of you with a ring in a little box holding it up asking you if you will marry me.  And you said yes...

I look forward to that day.  I look forward to the day that we do get married.  I look forward to it all.

I just want to tell you a few things...

Well first off you're awesome.  SO... I mean that's a given because I'm marrying you!

But... also... We'll never fight.  People are like... "ALL couples fight".  Not me and you.  Why?  Because a fight is one of us disagreeing with the other.  When I meet you... My life will become your life.  I'll never fight with you.  To me... a fight is just an opportunity for the other person to leave.  An opportunity for the other person to decide one of the other 8 billion people on this planet suits them better.

If we never fight... You say to yourself... WOW... THIS GUY REALLY IS A KEEPER!  We never fight. Why?  Because you're always right.  I'm just there for you.  That's it.  All of my own wants or desires will be out the window.  It's whatever you want.  My favorite song is your favorite song.  My favorite food is yours.  My favorite place is your favorite place.  Whatever it is you want to do... That's what we do.  Whatever movie you want to watch.  Or TV show you want to see.  We're watching it and seeing it!

What are we going to fight about?  Not a darn thing.  Because I live for you.

And that's a promise.

So, I guess for now I'll just go about my business and do my own things.  That way the time that I haven't spent with you will be more enjoyable doing my own things.  Because I know that once I meet you... All of my stuff will change and become whatever it is you like.

My next promise is that you'll never be unhappy.  You'll never be uncomfortable.  You'll never feel like you should have gone with some other guy.  You can just say to me... What's on your mind or what you don't like and I'll customer service that crap and do whatever it takes to make the needed changes so that you have everything exactly how you want it the way you want it.

Because no one wants that guy that sits in the living room until 3am playing Xbox.  Screw that guy.  I don't even own an Xbox.  I don't even play video games.  Video games are a waste of time in my opinion.

You're my number one priority.

So, yeah.  We'll plan date nights.  I'll work to make money to spend on you and things that you like.  I mean whatever it is you desire out of a relationship, or marriage... That's how things will go.

Anyways... again, I can't wait to meet you.  I don't know where you are on this planet.  Maybe you're currently with another guy.  Maybe you're living with a boyfriend that you are yelling at ALL the time because he doesn't clean up after himself.  Maybe he lives with you but doesn't work.  And he just plays Xbox until 3 am.

Or maybe he constantly tells you how you need to lose weight.  Screw him.  You don't need to lose weight.  You're BEAUTIFUL just how you are.  From head to toe.  So tell that guy HE needs to get off his lazy ass and get a job.

I guess that's why you break up with him though.  And then we meet.

Who knows.  Maybe we meet at the store.  Maybe we meet online dating... Maybe we meet at a show.  Or at Longwood Gardens.  Or maybe we meet somewhere I can't even imagine.  Just at a bar.  At karaoke.  At a play I'm seeing.  Maybe we meet at the yoga place... Or maybe a year or two years from now I decide to take a cruise... and we meet on the cruise.

I guess that's the crazy thing about love. I can't predict where or when we'll meet.  But all I know is that one day... I'll meet you.  And one day I'll propose to you.  And one day we'll have a badass wedding... Because I'm already saving for it.  So the longer it takes for us to meet the more badass of a wedding we can have!  So if I don't meet you for another 5 years...

It's going to be seriously badass, because my wedding account will have a whole boatload of cash socked away waiting... Just for you.

So just know.. Future bride whoever you are... I'm waiting for you.  You're all I think about.  And you're the one person that I can't wait to meet.  Everything else in my life is just details... But you?  You're number one.

You're the most important person I'll ever meet... And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

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More Ghosts

So the ghosting thing on dating sites is super annoying.  It's SUPER frustrating.  Like, I can't tell you how many conversations I start and really just think to myself... This is such a waste of time.  I know this person is only going to respond about a dozen times before they just stop responding.  I know that even if they give me their number to text.  Or as soon as I ask them to get coffee or maybe drinks or a dinner or go on a date...

They'll just go MIA.

It's super sad and frustrating.  And I look at couples out there and I'm just like how?  How did those people EVER get to the point where they are officially "in a relationship"?  All the people I chat with on dating sites just turn into ghosts.  They never last.  They just disappear without so much as an explanation.

It's just so frustrating.  And here's like, for example, my brother and sister just like oh... You just have to go here or do that.  Yeah.  Like it's THAT easy.  Just because you got lucky in love.  I've done EVERYTHING.  I've been EVERYWHERE.  It's just impossible to keep girls interested.  They always just stop responding without any sort of explanation.

I'm just like... I give up.  Girls are impossible to please.  They really are impossible.  I don't know what it is that they want in a guy but whatever it is, I don't have it.

I guess I'll just keep trying though.  I mean what are my alternatives?  I just have to keep hoping that there will be that ONE girl that sticks.  That ONE girl that stays interested enough that we do make it all the way...

It would be NICE if they could give explanations as to WHY they decided not to peruse dating anymore... But they never do.  If they do say something, it's usually just a lie.  "Oh I'm just too busy to date right now."

3 days later you're still active on the dating site.  3 week later you're still showing up as "online now".  So, basically you just lied to me.

Well... Who knows.  It's just games and lies.  That's how dating is I guess.  And no one wants commitment.  They never want any kind of commitment.  Which is funny because girls say GUYS never do... But here I am on all these dating sites and I'm a guy... and I'm LOOKING for someone to say... "YES, we're in an exclusive relationship, let's put it all over Facebook."

And all the girls I talk to  are like... Well... I generally don't like to make it known when I'm dating someone.  I don't really want anyone to know I'm in a relationship until I'm engaged.

Oh?  Why?  Because you're with someone else as well?

But that's dating sites for you.  Filled with people that don't actually want relationships.  They probably just cheat.  And lie.  Oh well.

That's why I'm going out to events more.  Hoping to find someone... I just don't get these married people... I don't get how you ACTUALLY got someone to commit enough to be exclusive with just you.  To not play games and lie.  To actually say... YES, YOU are the ONLY person I want to be with.  It's super frustrating.  Dating just sucks.

I really hate it sooooo much.  But it's the only game in town.  So I just have to keep banging my head against the wall hoping to find one girl that actually wants to date and actually wants a relationship and actually wants all that stuff that the people I know in my life also all have... That whole marriage thing.

So far, my search has been nothing but fruitless.  Filled with liars and cheaters and people that have crazy commitment issues.

And people that just become ghosts.  Here one day... and gone the next.

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Future Scenarios

So, life is all about... The now.  Or is it?  Life could be about the past and the future.

Consider this.  You meet someone on a dating site.  You date them for a while.  You ghost them.

5 years from now you're sitting at the job interview of your life... And the person interviewing you is...

The person you ghosted on the dating site 5 years ago.

Guess who's not getting the job for the interview of their life?

You, because they don't hire ghosts at that company.

I feel like a lot of things in life come back around.  Sure there's a LOT of people on this planet... But I think it does happen where a decision you made 5 or 10 years ago, or a decision you make now... Could have consequences 5 or 10 years in the future.

How bad would it suck if the surgeon about to operate on you was someone that you broke their heart 10 years before.  In theory it shouldn't change much... But hey what if it does and that surgeon remembers how much it hurt.

Guess who's going to have a long road to recovery?  If they make it out of the surgery at all.

I often think about that stuff.  Well not OFTEN... But every now and again.

Like, I just clicked on a profile on the dating site that is Kara's friend.  At least I'm PRETTY sure it's her.  The one that came with her on our second date to Bahama Breeze which was supposed to be a show that I was going to play but turned out to be canceled due to a thunderstorm.  SO, I clicked on that today and then I was like CLICK BACK!  But it's too late.  She's going to see me in her visitors list.  I swear I thought she had a super duper long-term boyfriend.  I guess nothing is permanent.  It's weird... As soon as someone is no longer single, to me, that's it.  They are going to get married, live the rest of their lives together.  I never think that 2 or 3 years from now they will break up.  But it does happen.  Maybe I should just start befriending girls in relationships and then just date them after a break up.  That way the whole trust thing is already built up because you've been friends for years by that point.

I remember a screen cap Kara sent me... maybe 2 years ago now?  A year and a half probably.  It was the last time we were talking for a weekend when she showed me a podcast she was in and I was like "this is the first time I've heard your voice in years"... and then I was like... THAT's not a creepy thing to say.  Oh well.  Not like mentioning her in every blog post isn't creepy.  It probably is.  Oh well.  What can you do?  Eventually one day I'm sure she won't be on my mind so much and then I'll be blogging about some other girl.  Who knows.

For now it's still her in my thoughts.

Anyways Kara's friend apparently was looking for a classy restaurant in South Philly and Kara jokingly suggested McDonald's.  She then screen capped it and sent it to me.  That's reason number 8 why I like Kara.  Witty humor.  Sassy.  Witty sassy humor.

It's funny.  But, I mean okay here's the deal... Why was Kara's friend asking for a restaurant suggestion?  Maybe I'm old fashioned, but the guy should KNOW of a place to take a girl out to.  He should make the reservation, if one is required, and he should book the limo... If that's the kind of night out it is.

Now, unless the girl has an idea and is like... "Tonight I have an idea as to something to do."  Then the guy can be like, "Awesome!  I'm excited to see what you have planned."  Then they switch it up.

Who knows.  Maybe that was the situation.  Maybe it was her turn to plan the date.

I think I'm at the point in my dating career where, it's pretty hopeless, and I know it's hopeless.  I kind of want to plan some obnoxious over the top date.  Like book a limo, put on a tux, and take a girl out on a first date from the dating site to a classy restaurant... Then follow it up with poetry in the park.  Or we go see a Broadway show, that is impossible to get tickets for, like Hamilton.

I feel like the plan for my life is to just do things that are fun anymore.  I mean, I'd LOVE to find love and get married and have kids and a house.... Well I already have a house, but.... you know what I mean.

I think it would be fun though to plan like 'the ultimate first date'.  And then just as I'm talking to these dating site girls eventually just whichever one gets to the point where we've exchanged messages back and forth enough to where we are ready for a first date... I'll just say... "Meet me at this address at this time."

And then she'll think we're just getting coffee... When instead I roll up in a limo with some cool sunglasses on.  And be like... "Let's go.  We've got a Broadway play to see."  And she'll say...

"But we're in Philly?  Broadway is in NYC.  And besides, I thought we were just meeting for coffee?"

And I'll be like, "Oh, that's true.  Hey limo driver... Do you know how to get to NYC?"

"Yes I do!"  The limo driver shouted back from the driver's seat.

I turned my attention from the limo driver to the girl standing there on the sidewalk outside the small city coffee shop.

And she'll look at me like... "What the???  Well... Okay."

I just think it could be fun to do that.  Obviously it's not realistic.  I mean, any logical person wouldn't invest that much money and time and effort into someone that at the end of that night will just say... "Well, I had a nice night.  I was just thinking maybe we aren't a great match though."

Although, if you think about it... How is it any different than dating someone for 3 years, or being married for 8 and then at the end of that they say...

"Well, I had a nice 3 years, but... I was just thinking maybe we aren't a great match though."

At least after the one night there's no hard feelings.  After several years of a very serious relationship, or a marriage, I feel like it would be hard NOT to have hard feelings.

And then she'll remember that date you went on 5 years later when you're interviewing for that job you REALLY want.  And you think to yourself sitting there before her, well now, that limo rental, tux rental, and Broadway tickets for two turned out to be one hell of an investment, didn't it?

And she'll say... "Wait, you're that guy that took me on that Broadway play limo date!"

And you shift in your chair and blush.  And she gives you the job.

And you notice the ring on her finger.  And you ask about it, because your curiosity got the better of you...

And she tells you about how when she met him he was unemployed and had just lost his job and he actually stole flowers from an outdoor street side restaurant table to bring to their first date.  And how it's not about how much money he has in the bank.  Mostly it was just the way he laughed that got her.  That's all it took, was his laugh on that first date.  That contagious laugh of his.

And how they met at a McDonald's for a milkshake and she even paid.  And that's all it took.  Because her milkshake doesn't have to bring all the boys to the yard... Just one.

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Christians Don’t Ghost, They Holy Ghost

So, I've been on dating sites a LONG time.  I mean... Probably coming up on a decade really.  I'm pretty sure I surpased my thousandth first date a long time ago.

I mean I just went on my 3rd or 4th first date at 7 stones this past weekend.  I thought about the other 3 girls I'd also been on first dates with at that very same location.

Always first dates.  Maybe a second date.  Sometimes a third.

It's not that I don't WANT to keep going on dates... The problem with dating sites is...


Things will be just going along okay.  I'll think everything is fine, maybe setup a first date.  Or a 4th date.  Then...

They just disappear.

It happens so much that I just kind of already setup my next first date ahead of time.  I keep setting up new first dates.  Keep talking to new girls on dating sites.  None of them stick.  They just up and disappear.

No reasoning.  No advice as to maybe why they lost interest.  Just... That's it.  They stop responding.

So usually when I'm chatting with a girl, in the back of my mind I'm thinking... I wonder how many days or weeks or months this girl will talk to me... I wonder how many dates she'll go on until she just ghost.

It happens every time.  They never stick around.  They always, I'm assuming, find some other guy they like better.

I'm never the one that they are interested in enough, long enough, to want to get to a relationship with.  There's always some other guy.

So, I just kind of call it a success when I get to a first date.  Anything after a first date is... I don't know.  I guess it's just all unexpected.  So I just take whatever happens after a first date.

But seriously, dating does just suck.  The people on dating sites just suck.  They are flakey.  They just suck.  With the exception of one small group of people...

Those followers of Christ.

If a girl keeps going on dates with me... 99 times out of 100... She's SUPER into faith.

Never fails.  If she doesn't ghost and she eventually does change her mind... And she discusses WHY she's no longer interested...

She's a Jesus girl.

If she just ghosts without any reasoning or rhyme?  She's not.

Trust me.  I've been on SOOOO many dates.  I know a girl that's really into faith almost right away.

They are better daters.  They are nicer.  They aren't likely to just let you buy them a free drink and then never respond to texts after that.

They are more engaged in the conversation.  They are more willing to meet half way.  They are more willing to be serious about the dates.

The last girl that I almost got to relationship phase with over the winter... Christian.

It never fails.

Kara?  Christian.

Christians are just better daters.  Hands down.  There's not even an argument back to counter the fact that they aren't better daters.  They just are.  Why?  Because... They don't ghost, they Holy Ghost.

This brings me to my church hop quest.  Maybe some of the reasoning behind the church hopping is to hopefully meet a girl that might be interested enough in me to date... or perhaps she has a friend.

Church people are just so much more serious about things.  They aren't like the rest of the dating site people.  They're just easier to talk to.  It's just the way of the world.

I'm almost guaranteeing that the next girl I date... Is probably going to be super serious faith based.  It's just how it goes.  Because the online daters that aren't super faith based just never stick.  They ghost.  SO, I'll take a Holy Ghoster over a ghoster ANY day.

Also this is reason number 7 as to why Kara is the coolest girl I've ever dated/met... She met me IN person to TALK to me for like... 2 hours when she was no longer interested.

On the whole online dating sucks, it's just terrible... But she definitely was a gem among the terrible thousands of other online daters that I've dealt with in all of my online dating experience.

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Science After Hours – Treasure Hunting!

Went to my second Science After Hours event last night.  I really had a lot of fun.  I'm just going to keep going to those.  It's a nice addition to my evening program list.  Tomorrow night I'm headed out to Longwood Gardens to enjoy a craft beer in the beer garden and watch some live music.  I think I'm only going to make EP (Evening Program) a spring summer fall thing.  When the temps go below 50 or so... I'm just going to stay in.  Maybe gym it up, or go to the coffee shop, unless there's a specific event that's happening.  For now... Summer and EP are in full swing.

I parked in my usual spot by the art museum.  I still have to do art after 5 as well, that might also be a winter time EP.  I mean, actually, Science After Hours can be a winter time EP as well.  I'm just going to be parking in the garage at The Franklin Institute instead of walking the distance from the free parking because it will just be WAY too cold, but last night was a nice walk indeed.

Last night was a pirate/treasure hunt theme.  There were 5 booths located around the building where puzzles awaited to be solved.  Once all 5 puzzles were solved and all the clues had been obtained, the treasure hunter could access a special area called "The Oasis".  Somehow I'd been informed that area would open up after everything ended, so at 10pm.  When I got to the elevator to head up there, I was told that it was over and no one else would be allowed up.  So, it was supposed to be that as soon as you solved the puzzle you went up there to claim a prize.  I have no clue what the prize was, but I'm sure it was something silly like some candy or something to that effect.

All in all it was a fun night.

I'm already looking forward to the next Science After Hours event.

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100 Reasons

I actually am really enjoying the concept of this 100 reasons thing.  You know, I feel like... Whatever girl I DO eventually meet and possibly date...

We should 100 reasons one another.  Like, okay, here's the deal...

My thing is... You SHOULD BE super into the person you're dating.  You SHOULD THINK they are the coolest.  If you don't think they are cool... WHY are we dating one another?

SO, I think that EVERY couple should be able to come up with at least 100 reasons as to why one another is cool.  If they can't write at least 100 one paragraph reasons at the minimum... Why are you with one another?  Really?  You can't even think of 100 things that you love about this person?  That you totally think is the bee's knees?  That just drives you wild.

I feel as though 100 reasons, if you're with the right person, should be cake by the ocean to come up with.

So when I finally meet someone some day... If I can't come up with 100 reasons why she's cool and she can't come up with 100 reasons why I'm cool.  I think we should see other people.

I think maybe once a day we email each other a reason.  Each morning we email each other a reason why we're with each other.

Like keep the reasons secret and don't tell one another and just each morning there's an email in the inbox.  Or maybe a text.  Or a phone call.  Or a physical note... Reason number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.... Etc.

I mean heck, if we're REALLY right for one another we should be able to do a whole years worth.  We should be able to start on January 1st and go all the way through the whole year every day with reasons why we love each other.

But what do I know.  I'm as single as can be.

100 reasons.  Because if you like someone enough... Coming up with 100 reasons why they are the coolest... Shouldn't be work.  It should be fun.  It should be awesome.  It should be the highlight of your day.  That's all I have to say.

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Bad Screen Capping

Reason number 6 why Kara is the coolest...

So, I'm on all these various dating sites/apps, seriously... There are some BAD photos.  Just plain bad.

Some of them are obviously capped from other dating sites or apps.  Some of them are sideways.  SIDEWAYS!  Some of them have like... "Enter your text here".  You couldn't even be bothered to edit your photo before you posted it?  You just took it from Snapchat or some other app and you couldn't figure out how to remove the text box so you just left the text box there?

And that's just the tip of the iceberg of bad dating site photos.

Kara... And her photo skills.  Reason number 6 is... Kara knows how to take a photo.  She knows how to crop.  She knows how to Instagram properly.  Or even use Lightroom and professionally edit the photo... She knows how to edit the photo so that it looks REALLY good.  Don't just take a photo in a poorly lit room and not know how to save the photo so you screen cap from another app but don't even bother to crop the settings out before you screen cap.  You just leave the other parts of the screen cap in and post it straight to the dating site.

It's a turn off.  I just can't swipe right to that.  I have to swipe left.

Kara is a right swipe all the way times 10 for photo taking and editing.

Learn how to edit photos properly and maybe you can be as cool as Kara.  Learn how to snap a selfie in proper lighting and maybe you can be as cool as Kara.  MAYBE.  Or perhaps half as cool at the very most.

And that's Reason number 6 of why Kara is the coolest girl I've ever met.

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So I'm on Day 5... Of this 100 days of why Kara was the coolest girl I've ever met so far in life.  Which apparently I'm actually doing.  I was just going to do like 3 and call it quits.  But then I keep thinking of more things to post.

Like... It just shows up in my mind and is all like "Hi!  I'm a thought!  You should totally post me!" and I'm just like, "Oh maaaaan, I gotta post that!"

So let's see.  Well... I'm going to just do reasons actually and not days.  That way, I don't have to do EVERY day.  It's not 100 days of happy after all (which I totally know about because Kara did it).. It's just 100 reasons Kara was the coolest girl I've ever met.

So this isn't day 5 it's reason 5.

Reason 5... She has a huge heart.  She's willing to go above and beyond for people.  And do all kinds of selfless things.  She's super interested and willing to give feedback at any chance.

I forget where I saw this... Who knows... I read her stuff for SOOOO long that I can't tell you where I saw it (it's weird not to read it anymore.  Sometimes I WANT to... But... I get jealous.  So I just can't.  SO instead I just keep thinking about her... and blogging about her apparently.).  But I remember seeing that she helped one of her friends... Amy?  I think it was her friend Amy (who is also cool... Mostly by association.  But also because she has a ferret.  I mean who has a ferret?  That's kind of neat.  I only know this because she showed up in my OKCupid matches one day a while back and I read her profile.  Dr. Who and a ferret.  That's mostly what I remember about Amy.).  But I think it was Amy... With her resume.  Shoot I don't know this had to have been a few years ago... probably one night after I'd had a glass or two of wine or was just kind of out with friends and mega tipsy and was on my phone following links or @replies or whatever on some form of social media.

She went out of her way to help with feedback and to help her friend get a job that she was trying to apply for, I think it was something that Amy posted maybe about Kara helping her.  So she didn't just read the resume and simply say, like most people do, "Looks good!".  No.  Kara doesn't just do that.  See most people I know, when you show them something, anything... They don't give feed back.  They just say... "Looks good."

Even if it doesn't.

Kara gives REAL constructive feedback.  She actually helps people with things.  She identifies the problems and then offers solutions.

She gave me constructive feedback countless times as well.

SO there's reason 5.  Where most people just skate along at minimum.  Kara cares and goes beyond, above and beyond...  Or if I wanted to get fun with it I could say...

Kara kares.

Reason number 5 of why Kara is the koolest.

Now I'm just all about the whole changing Cs to Ks thing apparently.

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