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So, I'm 35, and still single.  A lot of my friends and peers are married and have kids and what not.

You know, it's not the worst thing being single at 35.  I mean... I'm pretty free to do my own thing.

Like, supposing I really wanted to... I could just legitimately sell everything I own and find a new home for my cats and turtle, and just go backpack Europe.

There's really nothing to stop me.

I don't have kids.  I'm single.

I guess even if I backpacked,  I could take the cats and turtle with me.  Have a little stowaway carrying cargo container for them.

I mean, yes, in the long run, I plan to end up somewhere new...

Right now what's stopping me is that I'm building my indie salary.  I just don't want to have to worry about a paycheck in the future.  An indie salary means I can move ANYWHERE I want, and I don't have to worry about how I'm going to afford life.

Life pays for itself.

Anyway... I mean, sure, one can always interview and find jobs... But I know SO many friends who moved somewhere new, and they couldn't find work.  Portland, for example.  I know a good 5 people who ALL moved to Portland Oregon... And they went several months with no job.

No health insurance.

No pay check.

Savings dwindling.

To me?  That's just not a smart way to do it.

My mom would never of approved.

My grandparents wouldn't have either.

That's how I look at life... Would those you looked up to have approved?

My mom was very big on the idea that you don't leap before you look.

You need to be responsible.

Find a job, and a living space first... Then move.

People who just move, without a care in the world... It's irresponsible.  I mean, sure it works out for some people!  But for others... They end up depleting their savings... possibly almost on the street.

No health insurance, no job... Running out of food in the fridge.

Nope.  Not for me.  No thanks.

Anyway, so right now I'm still building my insurance policy.  I'm making sure that I have a steady flow of money that is more than what life costs me.

That's my goal.

I like to look FAR ahead before any leaps.

Anyway, so one of my potential leaps, might include Nashville.

I keep meeting people who are from there, or have visited there, I even have a friend who lives there now.

They say it's just a totally different vibe.  Artsy, laid back, interesting...

I mean, yes, I'm not the biggest country music fan, so that's a problem... But, aside from that...

It seems like a cool place.

Austin Texas seems pretty cool too.

I don't know yet, honestly... I just know that right now I'm in the look phase, and not the leap phase.

I'm just working on detaching my physical and logical layers and making it easier for me to be anywhere in the world instead of fixed.

Basically most people are fixed to their living space and their working space.

It's a lot like a computer operating system and the hardware.

Most people have a physical computer, and it has an OS on it... Like windows, more Mac.

But there's also virtual OSes... The idea that things can be portable.  That the logical layer, or the software, isn't fixed to any one piece of hardware.

Docker basically has this solved, by creating something called containers.

Containers can basically run on any hardware, and it's the same everywhere.

That's how I want my life.  I want to be not fixed to any physical space or place.

Two things are need to achieve that...

First, an income that is self sustainable and self generate-able.

That's what owning shares in companies does.

Today, I got 3 dividends that totaled about 30 dollars in cash income.

I'll have to pay taxes on that income net year, but it's fine.

The point is, that money came in, and it now can be used.

It's geographically independent.  That means, I could live in any state, or any country... and I would still make that money.

Just need to keep boosting the amount.

Or, heck, even do nothing and let the companies boost it for me.

Second thing is, I need physical space mobility.

There's a few ways to do this, one way I plan to do this is... Just like how there's a LOT of McDonalds all around the world.

So, right now I own a house.  My next plan is to buy another house.

Then I'll rent that house out.

That will now add to my income stream.

I'll then use that to buy a 3rd house.  Rent that out.  Buy a 4th... a 5th... 6th... 7th... 10th... 20th...

Now, it's a LOT of work renting out houses.

So, I'm willing to sacrifice money made to let a company handle it for me.

But why?

So, my plan with owning lots of houses or condos around the country, and eventually around the world, is that...

I can move anywhere I want.

I wait for a lease to terminate, and don't sign a new one.  Then, I'll go live there.

Then I'll live there until I am notified that a lease hasn't been renewed at another property I own...

Annnnd I move there.

Basically anywhere that my property is currently un rented... I'll move there.

But what I might also do is just buy property in places I want to live, and then when I do move somewhere new... I rent it out.

Those rental income streams along with the stock dividends just follow me.  That money just keeps coming back to me...

And I don't have to physically be in an area of the world.  I don't have to make sure I have a job first before I move to that area.

I just find a house or condo I like, buy it, and live in it... Do whatever strikes my fancy, and when I move to a new area...

That old area now becomes a new income stream.

It will be easier to explain when I actually start doing it.

I mean, I already am doing it.  I'm getting income now from my stock holdings.  That just keeps coming.

It will make more sense as it starts to happen and I start to scale it up.

I think my plan is to hold one dividend paying stock for every physical property I own.

Buy another condo or house, buy another stock.

Get bored with that city or location...

Buy another house or condo, buy another dividend paying stock.

Etc. etc.

A lot of people basically have told me it's a stupid idea...

Most of those people are married or in relationships.  They're starting plant roots.

I have no roots to plant.

I guess that's what happens when you are single.

You just kind of go with the wind.

My thing is, yes, this will take a while to get going, but once it gets going, there will be no stoping it.

And then as I age more and more... Instead of it being my focus to find work and worry about a paycheck...

I can just relax, and know that everything is paying for itself and that as time goes buy, the income coming in actually allows me to buy even more, which in turn produces even more income and further diversifies my holdings...

So should 1 or 2 or 5 or 10 of those investments or properties stop producing income... I don't care... Because I just keep diversifying more and more in this positive income feedback loop.

Live small, and live under my means...

And let the income keep building...

My main goal in the future is to know that I won't have to go to bed worried about paying bills or money, or where I'm going to live next...

I just get stressed with all that.

I just want to be able to go to bed in a big comfy bed, with comfy PJs, in clean sheets and a big quilt...

And know that I have so much money coming in from so many different sources that when I wake up the next morning...

My mind will be so rested that I can sit out on the back deck with my morning coffee and breath a big sigh of relief as I log into my investments and see that I have so much cashflow that I can book a flight that day to Nashville on a whim...

And stay the night at one of my condos.  And go out and get a beer.

And then come back home...

And know that I didn't even touch the money coming in.  Didn't even come close.

And that the next day, there will be even more.

And the day after... Even more.

So I'll never have to worry ever again about where my next anything will come from... Next meal, next pay check... Just pure relaxation...

If I wanted to, I could just sleep by a pool all day.

Know that my investments and rental properties are taking care of themselves.


That's my longterm plan.

That's my Nashville plan.

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